Before I got HireMyVA, I was working minimum 10-hour days, 6 days/week…if I was lucky. I was in a vicious circle of: I have so much work to do that I need to find help but I don’t have time to find the find help I need because I have so much work to do…
I had a job but not a business. The HireMyVA program shed a bright light on this situation and guided the way towards change. It gave me encouragement and education on how to hire a full-time Virtual Assistant. Within the first 2 weeks of hiring her, she has already more than paid for her cost. She is doing close to all of the job-tasks which has given me the time to focus on doing what I do best, designing and marketing for clients.
HireMyVA has helped me replenish my nearly empty bucket of hope for both my business and my outside life.