Lost Opportunity Calculator

Example: $50
Please enter a number from 1 to 10000.
Personal Email Management:
How much time per week do you spend managing your email?

Email Campaign Management
How much time per week do you spend creating or managing email campaigns (thinking about what to write, subject lines, testing, etc.)

Calendar Management
How much time do you spend per week arranging meetings and adjusting your calendar?

How much time per week do you spend on Bookkeeping? Maybe this is once per month for you, so simply divide those hours by 4.

Data Entry/Research
How much time do you spend per week on data entry or research tasks that someone else could do for you?

Lead Generation/Client Management
How much time do you spend per week on generating leads for your business, and/or managing the clients you currently have?

Your Costs

Want to Know More?

Let us help you get more freedom by taking some of your work load and reducing your cost. Complete the fields below to submit this form and we will contact you at the soonest possible time.
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How much time can you get back?

How many hours are you spending on trivial, less valuable things?

Use this calculator now to figure out a quick estimate of how much time you spend on just a few things you can outsource, and how much it costs you!

What is the opportunity cost of those hours lost?

  • just like there is opportunity cost of each dollar we spend that’s not invested to create future dollars, there is an opportunity cost to your time when you spend it on trivial, or less valuable, things.
  • when you’re doing one thing you’re not doing another
  • remember, you're paying SOMEONE to do the task, so find someone to do it for you that’s less than you pay yourself

After completing this calculator, you'll want to grab our action guide to help you figure out how to start getting that time back!

Running Total

per month