HireMyVA Podcast

HireMyVA Podcast 117- 5 good habits to enter 2022

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We’ve talked with, and seen, thousands of successful business owners, high achievers, amazing leaders, and have seen our share of failures in those areas as well.

So let’s talk about the top 5 good habits to have entering 2022. And of course we’ll be giving you a few more.

Several of these are Keystone Habits, coined by Charles Duhigg in his amazing book “The Power Of Habit”. These are habits that extend to multiple areas of our lives, that spill over.


Great podcast, Hidden Brain, talks about this: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/creatures-of-habit/id1028908750?i=1000546269429

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Learn more about Larry Broughton
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Learn more about Dave Braun
Website: https://prowebsitecreators.com/about
LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3EpvoQe


Episode Transcription

Dave Braun
Hello, welcome everyone to the HireMyVA Team and Business Building Podcast brought to you by Yoogozi.com. And in this podcast, and in HireMyVA, we help you to reclaim your freedom through hiring and thriving, the virtual assistants without breaking the bank and that means you are bank, which is the most important bank for you. Hey, I’m Dave Braun and I’m here with my buddy, Larry Broughton. We’ve been hosting this podcast for a while. Larry, you know, I was going through a flashpoint today. Let’s talk about that. I was going through a flashpoint and they talked about who’s inspiring you. And one of the people I put down and inspires me.

Larry Broughton
Thank you, handsome Dave! we’ve been doing this for a while. We did another podcast for a while called Flash Points for Achievers, I think is what it was. Yeah. Ultimately it morphed into this, but you still make me laugh every flipping time we do this. I don’t know why we’ve known each other for a long time, but you’re such a goof. Thank you Dave, you inspire me too. And I was just saying such a good teacher, and I’m so glad to be partners with you and to be on this journey together. It’s inspiring to see that when we spend a little bit of time with some of these entrepreneurs, leaders and high achievers that we were on run with and rub elbows with to see them make changes in their lives, you know, to see transformation happen, to see them face obstacles, and be able to persevere and defy the odds towards success, whatever that means for them.

Larry Broughton
We were just talking about this one, gentlemen, who’s got a lot of stuff going on and his businesses are we’re created to serve other people. It’s such an honor to be available to, to help those folks and to pay it forward. I would encourage folks who are listening to this or watching this, what are you doing in your life to serve other people? And what are you doing to pay it forward? What are you doing, you know, with the information and lessons that you’ve learned in your life? are you hoarding those great ideas and those lessons? or are you paying those forward and sharing them with other people?

Dave Braun
Yeah. Are you inspiring others to become better people.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. Yeah. So thank you Dave, for inspiring me as well. I love you. I appreciate you. And yeah, I sometimes associate little laughs that I get from you being in such a dork half the time.

Dave Braun
I know it’s too much fun.

Larry Broughton
All right. Let’s, let’s dive into this because we’ve been talking about habits. We started with episode 115 and we’re now I think it’s episode 117. So I’d encourage you if you just stumbled on this one, Yes, you can just listen to this first because this is a standalone, but go back and listen to 115 and 116 as well. I think we’re probably going to do one more after this, probably 118. And we’ll be able to wrap up this whole topic on habits, developing habits, breaking bad habits, developing Keystone habits, all that kind of stuff.

Dave Braun
Yeah. So, and that’s the that’s the topic for today is what are five good habits to have entering 2022. And it really is entering any year and any season, but it’s a good time for you to start thinking about your habits, establishing them. How are you going to break them? Because like we talked about the importance in 115 is how much of our brain activity, our decision-making activity is just automatic. What we do is automatic so much. Yeah. And we talked in 116 about creating and breaking habits. That was, that was a good one. That was a really good one. We had a lot of great examples, but you know, this one, what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna give you our thoughts on what we feel are the top habits that we think are important for you and us to continue to establish. And Charles Duhigg, the author of Power of Habit has a good name for that, he’s called calls it Keystone habits. And Larry, how many people have we talk to? And especially you, how many high achievers have you met with leaders? How many people have you seen being successful in their businesses and life? I mean, there’s probably thousands that you’ve talked to. Right. And they’ve known.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. Yeah. And the way they get this, oh, by the way, not only have I spent time with these folks who have developed good habits, I’ve spent a good part of my life around people who’ve had bad habits and who’ve hit bottom because of those bad habits. And so this is this thing that we’re gonna talk about today is going to be a little bit reflective. And we’re going to share with you some of these five Keystone habits that we think are really super important, but one way I think Dave just kind of described this is that a Keystone habit means that this is a central habit that’s going to affect or govern some of the other key habits. That’s what I want to make sure that we’re understand that we’re talking about the same thing here. And these are really important because when you develop these good Keystone habits, it’s going to affect all these other areas of your life. It’s like this chain reaction, this chain of events are going to happen, right. That’s going to develop positive outcomes. And I’ve got, of course, conversely, you may have bad Keystone habits. Other things like, gosh, I want to stop cigarette smoking, but I keep smoking crack. I can’t figure out why am I losing all of my money and stealing from people what’s turned into bad habits, but you know, maybe one of those Keystone habits is what stops smoking crack, Dave, please finally once and for all? Okay.

Dave Braun
Okay. I’ll work on that. I’ll work on that. Let me go back and relisten to what we talked about at 116.

Larry Broughton
I shouldn’t be joking around about that, but the stuff that we’re talking about as well, That one didn’t work. Dave, I’m sorry. Rewind. Daphne, edit that out please.

Dave Braun
Don’t you dare.

Larry Broughton
All right. So let’s get into this, Dave, let’s talk about Keystone habits.

Dave Braun
Yeah. And I think Larry what’s helpful is when we talk about the different areas you’ve developed over the course of years, what we call a spider graph, which talks about eight key areas of our lives that we can use to just kind of separate in our thinking, how we can improve upon or how we’re doing in those areas. Because you know, we talk about having, you know, somewhat of a balanced life because if you are, you know, a monster physically, but your financial houses and ruin, I mean, how are you really going to be effecting and having great, great significance to people’s lives?

Larry Broughton
It doesn’t really give me a 15 second background. What I used to do when I started mentoring and coaching folks years ago, it was all about the financial and professional health in their life. And couldn’t figure out like, well, gosh, you know, frankly, there’s, it was kind of came to a head when there’s a professional guru out there that folks in our tribe know who I’m talking about, but I’m not gonna name the name. And that’s all he was doing. In fact, he had an accountability partner who was a mutual friend of mine. And you would know this this guru. And he didn’t even know that this friend of mine was going through actually went through a divorce, went through an ugly breakup, separation and divorce. And he wasn’t even aware of aware of it, but that impacts every part of your life. Right? And so this is when we developed this whole health spider graph. And so I realized over the years, David, that there’s really eight spans that if we can set positive goals and habits in these areas, then we tend to live a pretty awesome life as close to Nirvana. And that’s our physical health, our financial health, our professional health, our leisure and fun. We oftentimes forget that our mental health, spiritual health, family, health and friends, I think that’s eight physical, financial, professional, leisure, and fun, mental, spiritual family and friends. Okay,

Dave Braun
There we go. Okay. There we go. So those are the areas. Okay. Well, let’s talk about a few of those habits. Okay. Keystone habits and things that we want you guys to establish and of course we want to reinforce on our own. That’s one of the reasons why we do this. So Larry, I think one of the top ones is having a regular exercise routines. What’s a Keystone habit in the physical area, regular exercise because you know, I don’t know about you, but most people, when they exercise, they feel they get better, so they get more self-confidence they have more energy, they have a better mental outlook on life. There’s been studies that show that exercise helps with depression. I mean, it just spills over into so many areas. In fact, one of the books that I’ve got in the back, I didn’t grab it is called Brain Rules. And they talk about certain routines that will actually help stave off dementia and Alzheimer’s. What he says in the book is that exercise is the magic pill when it comes to our mental health.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. I was talking to a clinical psychiatrist the other day and what he had said, He said, if I could get all of my patients to exercise three days a week, I wouldn’t have patients any longer. It’s that important. Okay. You said that and then we’re gonna talk about this one as well is a Keystone habit. But this one of the Keystone habits, that’s most important that everyone talks about not just success seekers, but psychiatrists, psychologists is the power of exercise. Getting those dopamine hits and your brain staves off depression, increases creativity, you’ve got the energy to put in longer days because let’s, you know, all these studies that have been done, Dave on success and this “age gap” when it comes down to is stamina. Yeah. Yeah. How much, how many hours can I put in that’s what’s going to separate low achievers versus high achievers. Sometimes it’s just, do you have the physical stamina to do it. But as you said, as people get healthier, they become more competent. Right. And competence is contagious for sure.

Dave Braun
And as we exercise, we sleep better and we know that rest and sleep helps us recover so that we can process the day, the day before, gives us more energy for the future and just helps us live better lives. So go back to one of the other episodes. So 115, 116 and go through how you can start developing an exercise habit. So if you’re watching this, but I’ll describe it. You can see my background here is my chair. And this is like my, my exercise jacket. I wear every day I exercise.

Larry Broughton
It stinks like high heaven here. You do wash it. Yes.

Dave Braun
Once it starts standing up on its own, then I’ll wash it. But the thing about we set up our environments for these habits, just to reemphasize that, I look at that, you know, right behind me, right there. And it’s like, yeah, I’m looking forward to exercising tomorrow. When I do that.

Larry Broughton
Yeah, my friends, we cannot emphasize this enough, the power of exercise. That’s a Keystone to all these other areas of your life. Okay. Now friends, we have had coaching clients who have been a couple of hundred pounds overweight and they knew it. And I’m not saying start hitting the gym six days a week, three on one off three on that’s not what we’re saying. Start small dream big, but move fast. Take action today. It might mean that you’re going to go walk around the block, right? It might mean that if the grocery store is a block away, instead of getting in the car to drive there, you walk there. Okay. It might be that, you know, on any phone right now, it has a basic health app and it will measure the number of steps you take. And I remember during the low or the most difficult time of the pandemic, there were times Dave, you’re not talking about this. I wasn’t doing 400 steps a day. Okay. And I used to do at least 10,000 steps a day. But what I was doing is I’d get up, I’d go take a shower. I’d walk to my desk. I might let the dog out. And I’d sit at my desk all day working, you know, and what happened? My health went down, my emotional state was hit because of it. But just start doing something, try to get a few hundred steps in if you’re not doing anything right now.

Dave Braun
Yeah. So I’ve got this app and this is about designing the habits you talk about steps is I have a pedometer app. One of the reasons why I use this particular app, if you can see it in the video, if you’re listening, you can’t see it, but Larry, you can see it. It’s got green when I’ve exceeded my goal for the day. And then it goes from orange to yellow or orange, red to orange. But then what happens is when I exceed my goal from the day you want, you know what the app does, Yiepie! yeah, it does that. And it has all these like stars that come up and all that stuff. Right. So I’m using this

Larry Broughton
It’s the gamification.

Dave Braun
Exactly. I’m rewarding myself. I get a little, when I see that, it’s like, ah, I did a good job. Tap myself on the back.

Larry Broughton
That’s right. Yeah, yeah.

Dave Braun
Yeah. So it’ setting up the environment. And we talked about that when the previous episode. So get exercise is huge. Let’s talk about another one, Larry.

Larry Broughton
You know, I think this one transcends so much of, it’s hard for a lot of people, but it’s just journaling. We really encourage people in their morning routine or even if their evening routine to journal. You know, I know a lot of people who’ve just started journaling Dave, and it’s turned into like, okay, I’m going to write a thousand words a day and I’m going to turn it into a book, but journaling can be anything. It can be about self-awareness what ideas or thoughts or vibrations did I feel today? How am I feeling about myself, about love, about my life, frankly, journaling could be about my diet. What am I eating? What’s my exercise routine?What about my work habits today? There’s all kinds of things that you can journal about. One of the things that I love about this Flash Points book, Dave, that you and I had put together is that we offer people as basically starting start, how to start journaling.

Larry Broughton
In this thing, we give somebody about 130 word missive on some topic on success and significance. And then at the bottom, we say, what are your reflections and intentions today? We just asked three questions. My thoughts and feelings on today’s flashpoint include___ you have to fill it in. My intentions and action items today include ____and you fill it in. And then today I’m grateful for. If you’re to do that, just that little bit of journaling, plus being aware of your habits that you’re creating or your responses to stimuli that you’ve received during the day, that’s awesome journaling right there. You know, the Stoics talked about the brilliance and the greatness that happens in that fraction of a second, between stimuli and our reaction to the stimuli, right? You start becoming aware of that. Oh my gosh, that thing that used to trigger me now, I take that extra pause and I’m responding differently now, that’s something I actually talk about, right? So I think journaling Dave, in addition to exercise is one of those really powerful key Keystone habits that will impact all areas of your life.

Dave Braun
Folks. You can start off with the, you don’t have to, even, you can buy the flashpoints book, which is the best way to go. You can go to store.yoogozi.com and get it. But if you want to get a free electronic kind of version where you can save it to your Evernote, which is what I do, you can go to Yoogozi.com/daily and sign up for it. Yeah. So it’s easy to get started and then that comes into your inbox every day. You’ve already got the habit of looking at your email so that you can journal electronically, but, but doing it with a pen and paper is a good way to go back early on when they’ve done studies on people who have journaled through their recovery from say a surgery like knee surgery, knee replacement, or a hip replacement, those that have journaled through it and kind of make a plan through that journaling, they recover so much faster and get going better.

Larry Broughton
Very interesting. Not surprising, but that’s interesting. Wow.

Dave Braun
Because journaling leads so much to self-awareness. And that’s a huge way to improve what we’re doing. It’s kind of like, you’re doing a, like a mini AAR everyday.

Larry Broughton
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s good. All right. What’s what’s another Keystone, Dave?

Dave Braun
Well, another one, if you guys have kids or a spouse or whatever, but I’m having a family dinner as regular as possible. And that’s a really great habit to have for your kids because a lot of studies show that families who eat together, the kids are healthier. They’re more socially adept, they do better at school, they just lead better lives. Something about getting together and eating as a family just has brings a closeness. And having that security blanket in our lives is so important where we can use that as a base to go out and take chances elsewhere.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. And so Dave and Larry, but I’m single. And I live by myself. What can I do? Well, guess what? So am I right? So what do we do about that Dave? Well, every week for folks who’ve listened to us for any length of time, know that every Wednesday, you and me and two other friends get together every Wednesday at six o’clock. And what do we do? We have dinner. We don’t drink beer and we don’t smoke cigars and we don’t shoot pool. No, we get together and we have dinner and we talk and we laugh and we build relationships with each other. In fact, we stopped, we spoke, we’re recording this on a Thursday. And last night we talked about this, how good just the conversation was, you know, the bond among, among us last night. And then we spend time just having, you know, a conversation and accountability kind of thing. It’s so important. So don’t use it as an excuse. I’m a single person. I’m not married, I’m by myself. And you guys sucked because you have no kids or whatever, no studies have shown this, that it’s the bonding stuff. It’s the building of community stuff. It’s the vetting of ideas. Right. And I can tell you this, Dave, remember when we first started doing this, some of the conversations that would get heated or some of the typical conversations would get heated in the old days. And nowadays everyone’s got an open mind to it.

Dave Braun
You know, we’re pretty calm and relaxed.

Larry Broughton
And why, because we still know that we’re going to love each other, no matter what the conversation, whatever your viewpoint is, you’re going to be loved.

Dave Braun
Yeah. And you know, Larry, no, no matter what happens out there during the week, you know that you come back on Wednesday and you’ve got some guys who, who love you. Yeah. That’s right. And are in your corner, you know? And that’s such an important base for like I mentioned to, to do great things.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. Yeah. You know, one of the other Keystone habits, Dave, I think that is so minor. And I’ve been talking about this for years and you remember that time. I, I shared this before, where I actually got into a debate with someone about this and now there’s been a book written about it. And I learned about it, believe it or not in the military and that is to make your damn bed every day, make your bed now, what’s his name did a keynote address. What was it, a graduation address or commencement address or something like that on it. But here’s the thing that I learned. Yes. It’s important in the military to make your bad because it teaches order and routine and all that kind of stuff. But when I talk about that, I don’t think the Admiral talked about is that you start your day off with a small victory when you make your bed, okay.

Larry Broughton
You’re starting the day ight. At least you made your bed. Right. If you think about it, if you’re a hard charger, if you’re a high achiever, if you’re a leader, if you’re an entrepreneur, you’re gonna have failures throughout the day. In fact, oftentimes we have more failures than we do victories throughout the day. Because you’re trying new things, you’re innovating, you’re pushing the envelope. You’re making those calls that, you know, most of the time say no before they ever say yes. And there’ve been times Dave, where I’ve come home at the end of the day and I have not done anything right. I’ve made tons of mistake. When I walk into my bedroom to take off my suit and I say at least Larry, you made your damn bed. I had one victory today, right? Yeah. But imagine that same day where I got beat up and turned down and denied, made mistakes and people were unhappy with me.

Larry Broughton
And I walked into my bedroom and my bed’s a mess to, you know, what my message to me is you’re a loser, you can’t even make your damn bed. That’s the messaging. Right? And so I’m a big believer. Just make your bed, start out that way with that little victory. And there’s a little bit of order in your life and you can build on that each and every day. I think that’s an absolute Keystone habit. And if you don’t believe me, like this person did that, former coaching client, Dave, then do it for 30 days and then get back to me. Yeah. I can tell me how things are are different. All right. Try it for 30 days. Her excuse was well, but I sweat at night and then I get mites as well, dust mites. Yeah, they have slipped covers for your mattress for that. Okay. How about this? Pull your covers down, go brush your teeth, comb your hair, wash your face, take your shower and then make your bed after that. Cause your bed will have aired out at that point. Don’t use it as an excuse my friends. Okay. It’s a small investment that has huge returns. I promise you.

Dave Braun
Definitely. Definitely. Yeah. All right. Well, well, let’s talk about the next one, which we mentioned it before with, you know, Brian Goodell and ’72 Olympics and Michael Phelps was visualization. How all top athletes do this? Well, the top athletes are doing this and spending time doing this to achieve great things, why shouldn’t we do the same thing in business settings? Why not visualize to yourself how a meeting is going to go, how you’re going to execute on this particular task. Why not visualize that? Visualize how your day is going as well as you know, assuming you’re doing a little bit of goal setting, visualize your goals, how you’re going to feel afterwards, that visualization it, Larry, I wish I could explain it. I don’t know what happens, but it’s, they have done studies where, okay, now, now it’s coming to me. They did a study about visualization, where they took two groups of people shooting free throws. One ended up just doing a ton of practice. And then the others ended up not doing practice, but they visualize themselves shooting and making free throws. And it turned out, I think their results were pretty close to being the same. Visualization is a lot of times our bodies cannot tell the difference between when we actually visualizing it and when it’s really happening.

Larry Broughton
But the Key is this, and we talked about this, I think in the last episode or the one before that there was not just fantasizing the visualizing about the end goal, but you have to have the process, path, that you visualize as well. And the example I was using about this free throw one, if I were not busy, if all I did as visualizing the ball going into the hoop, but I, wasn’t also visualizing that my elbow needs to be tucked as well. And then I’m also using my legs at the same time,I had to visualize the process path to get to that end result. That’s the difference between fantasy and visualization. Right. Okay.

Dave Braun
Practicing you’re practicing in your mind. That’s right. Almost as powerful as physically practicing. Yeah.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. So that’s one of the, those top five Keystone habits, Dave, of having a morning or some kind of exercise routine that helps both physically, emotionally, creatively in your life is so stinking, powerful journaling of some kind is really important, whether it’s actually sitting down and writing about, you know the emotional process and vibrational process that you’re having throughout the day, or maybe it’s journaling your diet or your exercise is really important. Having some kind of community dining experience or something about when you break bread and you feel your bodies together. I think it’s almost a spiritual event. Maybe it’s with your family and your children, or maybe it’s with, with brands I think is so important. Making your damn bed is important. And then the fifth Keystone here is it’s visualization. These are really important habits, but you know, Dave, I know you for a long time, you’re always an overachiever and you always over deliver. I’m going to bet. You’ve got some bonuses. Yep.

Dave Braun
So let me down, we’re going to give you a few bonuses.

Larry Broughton
I was gonna say, this would be the one time you say, well, actually, Larry. No, I don’t. No bonuses today, sorry. No bonuses for you. Okay. What bonuses do you have for us?

Dave Braun
Well, one of them is, is understanding yourself and how you can boost your, your willpower. In other words, figuring out when for yourself, when are you at the best during the time of day? Cause we’re talking about habits. Yeah. So yeah. You want to make sure that you do your Kolby A index. We’ve talked about that in the past episode, and your Strengths Finder assessment, but this is talking about on a daily basis. When are you the best at being creative? When you at the best of decision-making, when are you at the best of doing analytical or interpret detailed work, figuring that out, working at the right time of the day for you and allocating those tasks, or those days really ends up helping boost your willpower. A couple of other things along with that is creating some focus times for you.

Dave Braun
During the day we do that in our community where we all get on together for an hour on a zoom call, we don’t, we get on and we say, here’s what we’re going to do accomplish. Then we go silent for an hour. I give reminders. And then at the end, we come back and talk about what we did. People get amazing results and the ones that come love it. Yeah. They love it. Yeah. And along with that, is that help you boost your willpower is having some accountability, which is what we talked about in that focus time. But getting some accountability will help boost your willpower. If you have people that are going to ask you about how things are going or how you’re doing, or you promise to do that, you’ll make an extra push to get something done so that you can tell them in the affirmative that yeah, I got it done.

Larry Broughton
That’s good, dude. Let me, let me throw a bonus out there. And we kind of alluded to it or didn’t allude to it. We actually talked about it in the last episode, I think it was, and that is this whole thing about setting up your environment for success because we don’t want to set our environment up for failure. Okay. I want to stop eating sugar, but I’ve got candy bowls sitting around my house. Right. So it’s setting up your environment for success. So get rid of the bad stuff, add the friction. Right. And if it’s good stuff, remove the friction. All right. So like you do, there are a lot of these challenges out there, right? I’m going to read one book a month. I’m going to read 10 pages a day or I’m going to read a chapter, whatever it is. Well, that’s reading good books is important to you. Then have that book at easy access, you know, don’t have it on the bookshelf. How about out next to the chair where you going to actually read. Yeah. Okay. So put friction between you and the bad habits and remove the friction between you and the good habits that you want to develop. Okay. Set up your environment for success.

Dave Braun
Yep. And there’s something that I just realized, you know, just recently that is been, we talked about the different spider graph areas. They have different areas. One of the things that’s so important from a financial perspective, both in your company and I think in your personal life is to track your finances doing that on a regular basis, obviously doing it in your company. But one thing that I’ve personally done since 2010, I believe it is been on a monthly basis. I do my own personal net worth assets and liabilities. And I look at what that is. I look at kind of like my investment cash and all that. And it may help me make a decision to leave a financial advisor several years ago and go to another one who I’m tracking as well. Yeah, though, that’s a habit that this doesn’t take very long once a month. I do it, you know, 20 minutes, but it’s yields such great results.

Larry Broughton
Well, it’s one of those Keystone habits because what do they say is the number one challenge among couples money, right? What’s the most significant problem in business money, money and cashflow, right? So what’s measured is improved on this. So I think that this would be a Keystone habit. How much stress would leave your life if you had a better handle on your finances, if you’re just a little, well, that’s all you’re going to say, right. Is because we have some coaching clients when they first come to us and they’ve never done a financial statement and there’s all kinds of stress around it. And then once we get them into some financial health and actually we’re producing financial statements say, well, gosh, two things either I’m worse off than I thoughta and I can develop a plan or I’m better off than I thought and I’ve been carrying all the stress around about it. Right. And you know, we’ve had clients who, once they do their financial statements, finally, they can go and get lines of credit that they never thought they could have before. Right. What kind of relief does that offer their personal and professional life? Right. So I think this is a good one, Dave. Thanks for thinking of that. The Keystone habit is getting some strong financial track, your finances. That’s a good one.

Dave Braun
Yeah. And we’ve got a couple of other habits that I don’t know if they’re Keystone. I think they’re, they’re good to develop, you know? So a couple of them like having some kind of a to-do system, you know, cause you don’t want to forget stuff that, you know, somebody says, oh, I need you to do this. And you’re like, you know, I’m going to do that. But then if you don’t do it, that affects your reputation. That affects your self-confidence, all that stuff. So have something where you can put something and kind of keep track of it. Yeah. And then of course, along with that, having a, like a weekly date with yourself and planning out what’s most important, you can do goal planning with that, or just a weekly plan of what you’re going to do, how your week is going to go, how you’re going to allocate your hours. How are you going to approach every day? You know, what mantras are you going to use on a daily basis to help you? So just getting, putting some goals together and thinking about w you know, what you want to do so you’re not reacting as much, but you’re being proactive with all of your.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. That’s a good one. You know, we were talking about exercise earlier and we’re talking about how the brain functions and all that kind of stuff. And it’s oftentimes overlooked. It’s one of the things that one of my goals over the next 12 weeks is, and prove my health. And one of the things that we oftentimes forget, but this is why now more water. Okay. What does he used to have? I’m not gonna tell you what used to be in this thing all the time, but now this is filled with water all the time. And so I forced myself to drink more water, right? The body is made up of mostly water and the brain needs to function on water. Your kidneys need water to flush those toxins out. Right. Drink more water. I think that would be a good goal for most people. Cause I forget the doctor told me this when I was at the hospital recently, how little, most people, little water, most people drink, but they say, well, but I’m drinking coffee and tea. That’s got water in it or I’m drinking Coke. That’s got water. Coca-Cola yeah, no, that’s not water.

Dave Braun
Okay. So, so maybe, maybe a new slogan or a mantra. We can take it off of Chick-fil-A Right. What did they say? Eat more chicken, drink, more water.

Larry Broughton
Alright. Well those were our Keystone goals or anything we want to add onto this day or should we just go ahead and wrap it up?

Dave Braun
And the only other thing really quick, and maybe we can talk about this some other time in more in detail, but try to do a, a practice called habits stacking.

Larry Broughton
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Go. I love it.

Dave Braun
That is your, you’re doing kind of two habits at once doing two things at once where it makes sense. Yeah. Typically the way you would do this is like, what I do is I’ve got my own fitness routines. When I’m exercising in the morning, I’ve got an audio book going on our podcast. So I’m learning at the same time that I’m doing my exercise routine. Now you can’t do that when you’re starting out and learning, I don’t recommend it. But at a certain point, you’re going to be like, why I like these routines. You can, you can kind of habitually go through your workout routines. If you’re in the mode of wanting to be just doing maintenance

Larry Broughton
Meal prep for instance, I know that some goals we’ve seen from some of our clients, they want to start doing more meal prepping right now instead of eating garbage and so while they’re doing their meal prepping, they could be listening to a podcast exactly the same time. You know, there’s a lot of things you can do, but yeah, you’ve, you’ve mentioned this before. I forget where we’ve read that. What book was that in? But the habit stacking thing is so important. Yeah. I’m glad you remember that.

Dave Braun
Yeah. I know that. Like say you like to mow the lawn. I, I do that. You think why could hire somebody to do that? But I don’t, I don’t mind doing it. It’s like, okay, spend a little bit of time and I got something done, you know, and it looks good. But while I’m doing it, I’m typically listening to a podcast or a book and learning. Yeah. So it’s a good thing to do. Yeah. I love that. Okay. Well I think that’s it, sir. Correct.

Larry Broughton
Great. All right. Well listen, well other, can I say this? We’ve got one more episode of this I think David, I think we can wrap it up in episode 118, right. But habits are so important. Like we talked, we’ve talked about what are habits, what else did we talk about in what was episode 116? We talked about creating the lasting habits, right? And they’re all started by these five Keystone habits. Let me give you a couple of extra bonuses. So number 118 is going to be what, Dave?

Dave Braun
We’re going to talk about. How can you use a VA to help you establish your habits?

Larry Broughton
Is it outsourcing habits that talking about a lot of habits, a lot of habits we should have that we just, frankly don’t have time, skill, whatever to actually have until you actually outsource it. You hire someone to create those habits in your organization or your life.

Dave Braun
I think that’s, I think that’s gonna kind of, it’s all going to peak and fill up and on in flow into that next episode. So make sure you guys listened to that one. All right. Well thank you everybody for being with us today, remember building a team is the way to reclaim your freedom. And of course, we’re here to help you with our course and community and our White Glove Service, where we find a rock star VA for you. So three things we’d love for you to do, and we really appreciate it. And I’m one subscribe to the podcast, you know, do it on your phone, which is great. Subscribing YouTube, you know, hit the click on the button and the little bell next to it to get reminders. You should see that in, in the video here. Number two is give us a rating.

Dave Braun
Five star, hopefully put a comment in our YouTube underneath the YouTube video, ask us a question. You know, maybe say, what are some of your habits that have helped you really achieve what you’ve achieved in your life? So give us some of that feedback. And then number three is of course go to Hiremyva.com for more information on our course and community and our White Glove Service. Because without experience, even without experience you guys, if you don’t have any experience, if you’re a solopreneur who never hired anybody before, you can learn how to do that with us, with our course, with our community, you can take advantage of our White Glove Service. We’ve got virtual assistants that you could even talk to in the community. So we’re here to help you do that. Larry and I, you know, Larry, we’re helping folks left and right. And we got more people coming in and in our community. We’d love to have you guys join us as well. So come on board, but go to Hiremyva.com for more information.

Larry Broughton
That’s right, left and right, Dave. We’re helping people. Left and right.

Dave Braun
That’s right.

Larry Broughton
That’s right. Hey folks, stop chasing success. Darn it. I’ll leave you empty. It’s going to give you a hollow. But do yourself a favor, do the world a favor, do something significant today. All right, go do something significant. All right, God bless you. God keep you. God hold you. Alright my friends, go get them! See you next time. Bye Bye everybody.

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