HireMyVA Podcast

HireMyVA Podcast 116- How to create lasting habits

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This is the second part of the Episode Why Are Habits Important? And on this episode, we will answer the question How to create lasting habits?

Again, we’re going to reference A couple of great books, that we’ll link in the notes, are “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg and “Atomic Habits”.

The Power of Habit has a great methodology you can run through to not only establish a habit, but to break a habit.


Great podcast, Hidden Brain, talks about this: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/creatures-of-habit/id1028908750?i=1000546269429

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Learn more about Larry Broughton
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Learn more about Dave Braun
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Episode Transcription

Dave Braun
Hello folks! Welcome to the HireMyVA Team and Business Building Podcast brought to you by Yoogozi.com. In this podcast and on Hiremyva.com or within HireMyVA, we help you to reclaim your freedom through hiring and thriving with virtual assistants without breaking your bank. So I’m Dave Braun. I’m here with Larry Broughton. He’s my great friend, business partner, co-host to this podcast. We’re having a blast with this, Larry. So tell everybody what is going on.

Larry Broughton
Well hello, handsome Dave. It’s early January, 2022. And I know a lot of people, you know, this is the time of year where people, well, by the time this gets released, most people have already fallen off their new year’s resolution train, right? We’ve already wagon, right? They’ve already stopped going to the gym that they signed up for in early January. And oftentimes that’s because they haven’t developed those neuropathways to create really powerful habits in their life. But before we do that, you’d mentioned to go to Yoogozi.com. I happen to have been on Yoogozi.com earlier today. And Dave, I forget how many great articles and resources are on that free website.

Larry Broughton
And if you’re a entrepreneur, a leader, or a high achiever, and you’re looking for tidbits of inspiration and motivation that you can share with your team members, there’s tons of resources on there. Go take a look at Yoogozi.com. That link is in the show notes, of course, but we’d love for you to go there. But Dave we’re in this series talking about habits, what are habits? Why are habits important? And today we’re really gonna be talking about how to create lasting habits. And it’s so important because you know, many of us want to start a new exercise routine, Dave, or a new diet plan, or create new habits for success in our life, our business and our finances, but often not just the way the brain works, Dave, you know, we are talking about Noah St. John’s comments about, the unconscious incompetence, right?

Larry Broughton
And the next phase moves into conscious incompetence. And oftentimes people quit right out of the gate because they start realizing this thing that I wanted to do is harder than I thought it was going to be, but they just persevere for a week or less. And sometimes a little bit more, you move into the conscious competence phase and you start feeling the reward from that. And so persevere hang in there. But because today we’re gonna be talking about how to actually do that. How do we create lasting habits? And I’m really, I’m gonna leave a lot of this up to you. As I said in the earlier podcast, by the way, if you want to go back to listen to episode 115, we kind of laid the groundwork for this. A lot of them, but we’re going to be talking about is from a couple of really powerful books that Dave and I like one is called Atomic Habits. The other is called The Power of Habit, right? The Power of Habit is in our recommended reading list that we did a few years ago. We need to redo that, I keep saying that, Dave, so we do need to re redo that, but I am going to defer to you. You’ve done a lot of conscious research on building habits. And so I’m going to let you kinda lead this and I’ll chime in as need be because I think people, people need to hear from the expert.

Dave Braun
I don’t know. I dunno if I’m an expert at all this, but at leastI, you know, I’ve studied some of it and I enjoy it.

Larry Broughton
You do, you have all the folks that I know, you are one of the top about consciously building habits to accomplish goals. And so why not look at people who’ve been successful?

Dave Braun
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Let’s dive in. Okay. And one of the things folks is this is going to be, you know, a quick, real quick guide to it. You know, The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg, I’ve got the, you know, the book right here, The Power of Habit, we talked about it in the previous episode that’s, it’s got a great methodology that I’m just referring to most of that there. But then on the next episode, 117, we’re going to talk about our top habits we think are important for our lives and our businesses. And then 118, we’re going to talk about how to outsource our habits. And yes, we can do some of that outsourcing surprisingly so- yes we can. Can and should yes, absolutely. Yes. Okay. Yeah. And we, so Power of Habit, it tells you how to establish and to break a habit.

Dave Braun
So both are important. And I think we talked a little bit about it in the previous episode, 115, about what makes up a habit. So it’s important to understand what makes up a habit. It’s really three things. One is the cue. The cue starts us moving in the direction of a result that we’re going to end up getting as a reward. So it starts off with the cue. It ends up with a reward, some kind of a reward that our brains want, but in the middle is this routine. And this is what we need to do, what we do to actually get that reward. Okay. The reward fuels us, feeds us, gives us something, could be a sugar high. It might be a good feeling about ourselves. So dopamine hits something like that.

Larry Broughton
And you know what, Dave, I think that I just wanna make sure that people understand this, this stuff works for both developing good habits and bad habits. Yes. All right. So the cue might, for some people might be, I just got into a fight with my significant other and the habit always is that I’m an emotional eater. Okay. And so I just got into an argument with my significant other or my loved one or whatever it is. So that cues my routine is okay, I’m going to go eat a half gallon of ice cream. The reward that I get is that dopamine sugar induced dopamine hit in my brain, but then becomes addictive. That’s what we need to remember here, because you can also create the positive addictive dopamine hits that’s not sugar induced, but emotionally induced by momentum and success and progress. Right. So just keep this in mind- you can create positive habits and I don’t want to say negative, but not so good, bad habits as well. The great thing is bad habits, we can reverse those.

Dave Braun
We can, Yes. And it’s work. It’s work for sure. For sure. And we’re not saying that this is going to be all be easy. Establishing a new habit is a lot easier than breaking an old one for sure. A lot easier. So, but anyway, so let’s talk about it. So that’s a great example of a cue. You know, your spouse yells at you. Another thing that you can all think about is right now, think about going out to your favorite restaurant and eating your favorite meal. Like some of that pulled pork we had the other night, Larry. Think about it. What is your mouth starting to do? Right? Your mouth is starting to salivate. So you are anticipating that reward that you’re going to get even before actually going in eating the stuff. Yeah. So that’s what happens with our brains is with the rewards, we start anticipating those and we kind of almost get those and expect them even before we go through the routine. And that’s one of the reasons why they’re so powerful. Okay. My mouth is salivating right now.

Larry Broughton
I am I too. I remember when I was really, you know, this Dave years ago, I used to, you wouldn’t know it by looking at me now, but I used to be really into fitness. I mean like huge, really low body fat, high body muscle mass. And I used to get excited just thinking about going to work out. You know, I could feel the dopamine hits just, you know my brain firing is thinking about it and I would feel depressed even before I didn’t know, like, oh my gosh, I’m not going to get to the gym that day. I could feel the negative side of it as well. Right.

Dave Braun
So yeah. And that’s part of making sure that when you want to establish a habit, you need to be clear on the reward that you’re getting. So what is it that you want to have happen? You know, what is that reward? So let’s give this to an example. The things that we wrote down, right? So you want establish a habit of daily journaling. Okay. So what is the reward that you want from that? I mean, here’s to start thinking through the possibilities, what is that reward? Are you going to get some increased learning? Some self-awareness, could you possibly lose weight if you’re writing down your every day, is that daily journaling going to produce a book for you eventually you do it for six months and you’re going to have the basics of a book. Is it to calm you down at the end of the day? Is it to do like an AAR? You know, what is that? What is that reward? sometimes, and this is kind of strange, but it’s the way we work. Sometimes rewards are just checking off a box on a calendar.

Larry Broughton
Yes. And we find that, oh, folks, over and over again with our mentees, the folks that we mentor just by so many people love to do list. Yeah. For no other reason than to go through and cross it out or put a check box. In fact, I remember having a client one time, Dave, I don’t know if I don’t remember who it was, but I do remember the conversation that what she used to do is if she did something that wasn’t on her to do, unless she was right on the, to do list, just to cross it off.

Dave Braun
I do that too.

Larry Broughton
And it was that small of a reward. It does not need to be some huge reward to get that dopamine hit in your brain.

Dave Braun
Yes. So think about what is that reward that you can give yourself? What is it that you really want? And it could be that you end up manufacturing a reward. There’s times when it’s like, okay, to do the thing that I don’t want to do today, I’m going to do it. But at the end, I’m going to reward myself with 10 minutes of social media or tonight I’m going to do an hour of watching my favorite program. Who knows what that is. So think about the rewards you’ve got to be really, really clear on. Now the routine say that we’re looking at the example of the daily journaling. The routine is you want to do it for maybe five minutes, 10 minutes, or you just want to start. So in the case, if you want to establish a habit, what you want to do is you want to, at least at the beginning, get to that reward really quickly.

Dave Braun
Okay? So in other words, if you’re going to the gym, getting to the reward of being done, working out and saying you did it, that could be your reward telling your spouse or significant other. It could be that you just go to the gym, do two minutes of the exercise, bike, and then come back. So the idea then when you’re starting, it is you want to get that reward as quick as possible. Okay. And then of course doing that, you’ve got to have getting into the routine as quickly as possible, setting up your environment around it. Larry, you going to say something.

Larry Broughton
Yes, I was gonna say, We’re talking about here is creating lasting routines. And oftentimes people get stuck, Dave is that they don’t know how do they do this. Because they think about what, gosh, I’ve got to incorporate this brand new routine into my life. Okay. Now the way you can do this is what they call chaining or stringing these habits together. Right. That’s right. So let’s think about this for a second. Let’s say that I want to create a habit where I’m actually going to clean my house everyday, you know, just small little things. That sounds kind of overwhelming, but how about this? How about, I know that I’m going to come home every day, right? So let me string it into, okay. I’m going to come home and put my keys there, going to change my clothes. Before I have my reward of scoop of peanut butter or semi down and watching TV, I’m going to add one more step into this routine. I’m going to put a lo a load of laundry into the washer. There you go. Then I’m going to do the other reward. Then I’m usually treating myself on, or I’m going to spend 15 minutes. I’m going to come home and put my keys down, go to my room, change my clothes, clean for 15 minutes. Then have a reward that I usually do. You string it into other habits that you’ve already created in your life. And that way it becomes lasting much more quickly.

Dave Braun
Yeah. So to do that, you would say, okay, what am I currently doing as a habit? Like walking in your door, it could be brushing your teeth. It could be putting on your clothes. It could be fixing your breakfast. If it’s a daily habit, what is it that you’re going to anchor it to? Okay. So that is a great way. Then of course, we talked about the previous episode about creating your environment as well. So like, if you are wanting to journal, we’ll continue with that example. You want to make getting in that routine as easy as possible. So say you’re going to be doing this when you get up or before you go to bed, have that pen and journal sitting open and out where you can see it. It could be on your kitchen counter or wherever you do it, have it sitting there on your nightstand, have it sitting there. So it’s as easy as possible for you to see it and say, oh yeah, there’s maybe that ends up being your cue when you get into bed, you see it there open, and then you can audit, that’ll trick your brain into saying, okay, I got to do that routine.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. I was reflecting the other day because I I’ve been very intermittent about parts of my important parts of my morning routine. Yes. I have a morning routine, but I used to have a part that was so, so good about reading and writing. And at my old house that I was in, I had this favorite chair in the favorite corner of my house. I’m usually a pretty early riser and so it looked out the back at a bunch of windows and it looked back, I could see the sun coming up kind of thing. I just loved that location and so I had this armchair, this table sitting next to this favorite chair of mine that had my flashpoints book, my meditations and mantras book. It was all sitting right there. And the only time I got in that chair was for my morning routine. Right. That was the habit. Then I moved to the house and I’m in now. I didn’t set up that special little place in my house and I can feel it’s just not, I haven’t created that habit yet. And I didn’t make it special.

Dave Braun
Right. Yeah. And Larry, you hit on a good point.

Larry Broughton
It was certainly was working against me, I guess is my point.

Dave Braun
Well, you hit on a good point is sometimes these habits, they can be fragile.

Larry Broughton

Dave Braun
Can be fragile, especially the ones that are, that are good for you for, you know, an example is say, you’ve finally gotten over the last two or three months. You finally gotten into your exercise routine. It means you’re going to the gym or you’re working on home, whatever you’re doing every day. And then guess what happens, two things that happen that may derail you. Number one, you may get sick. Number one, number two is you go on vacation, right? So what you do in those types of cases to keep going, you just say, I’m going to do five minutes of something, even if you are sick. I mean, if you’re in the hospital, I mean, that’s one thing, but that rarely happens. And you can, even if you’re sick, you can like stand up and say, I’m going to do an extra, you know, I’m walking around the house, you know, whatever it is, or I’m going to sit in bed and flex my muscles, something like that, just to keep your brain engaged with that habit so you can kind of re pick it up. Yeah. So that’s, and, and so we, so we talked about the reward, figuring that out, coming up with what your routine is, the number of minutes doing it, how you want to do it, getting to the reward quickly, and then making sure you establish that cue.

Larry Broughton
I remember an article I read several months ago on habits and this kind of thing. And what they talked about is one of the reasons why people fall short on train habits or turning desires into habits is that there’s this missing part that they fantasize what the end will be, but they don’t process the path. Oh, there you go. I’m getting there. Okay. So just get your brain around that for a second. Wouldn’t it be nice if I had a six pack abs and low body fat, that’d be nice. That’s just fantasizing. But when you process the path of what it’s going to take to get there, which means you go through the details, you’re building those neuropathways, you know, my friend and you you’ve met him, Brian Goodell, the Olympic swimmer in the 1972 Olympics, I guess it was , right? He talks about this whole visualization thing that what he used to do is he would visualize the entire process of the race on the starting blocks, going through the race, you know, visualizing himself, doing the strokes, winning, moving up to the, you know, the, the platform where he stands.

Larry Broughton
And then the American flag is raised. He processed the entire path of getting there, not just standing on the victory podium, but the entire process. Right. I think we need to do that. So it’s not just idea. Okay, I’m going to start a new habit today. You have to actually process the path and fantasize at the same time and not just fantasize beyond goal.

Dave Braun
Yeah. We’re going to give you a preview of the next one, but that is one of the Keystone habits is visualization and sports is, I mean, air, all the athletes do that. In fact, there’s a great story about Michael Phelps when one time when he dove in the water and his goggles came off, you know, having your goggles come off when you’re swimming and not even be able to see the end of the pool, are there your competitors where you’re at, but he practiced so much. He visualize the race so much. He had his strokes down and he didn’t even need them. And he still won the gold medal in that race. That’s our brains are so powerful. So let’s talk a little bit about breaking a habit. Okay. So, so you think about, okay, well, I’m want to break a habit, but most of the time, it’s that routine that you want to stop.

Dave Braun
So it’s that picking up that extra candy or eating that cake or, or something like that that you don’t like, I need to stop doing that. So you gotta really be aware then what is the reward that you’re getting from that? Because your brain is getting something typically, like Larry said, it’s some kind of a dopamine hit from that sugar, from the adrenaline that’s running or, or something like that. So you’ve got to start being aware of what is, what is that, that you are getting from it and experimenting with what some of those rewards would be. One of the things he talks about in the book is he was eating a cookie every day and starting to gain weight. This was Charles Duhigg. And he said that, and he said, well, I’m eating this cookie. What do I really want from that? And so we experimented with, is it the sweetness?

Dave Braun
So instead of having a cookie, he just put some sugar in his mouth. Well, that was sweet. That didn’t really do it. Wasn’t an apple. Was it the eating part of it turned out for him. What he wanted was when he got up and went to get the cookie, he was actually wanting to have a little bit of socialization with somebody. So he started replacing that. So that’s the thing is you got to figure out what is that reward your brain is getting something. And then you’ve got to think, go back and deconstruct it and say, what is the cue? What is causing me to do that? Cause there’s various cues we talked about when you’re establishing a habit, what are those cues that, what is the cue that you want to have to create it? So breaking one, you got to think about what are the things that, what is that thing that’s causing you to get into that?

Dave Braun
Could it be a time of day? Could it be where you’re at your environment? Could it be a person that you’re around. So be aware of that. And then once you are aware of what that cue is, then you can start making it maybe a little bit more difficult to, to start that routine. Okay. You can maybe be physically distanced from that person during that particular time, you could be putting the candy away so you don’t even see it. So w you know, or it could be that a lot of people, what they’ll do when they want to get on a health kick is they’ll throw away everything out of their house that’s a made up of, you know, salt and sugar and fat and oil and all that stuff. They’ll just throw it out so they’re not tempted by it for so much of the cues that we, that we see are going to be visual.

Dave Braun
We walk by and it reminds us of something. Yeah. Okay. So we got to start being aware, like one of the habits that I’ve gotten into, and I, I’m just not decided yet if I want to break it or not, is every Saturday afternoon, I presented myself one day of the week and in the afternoon to just eat some candy. And so I had, I’ve turned that into a weekly habit it turns out. So once Saturday afternoon comes before we go to church and we’re just relaxing. All of a sudden, it’s like, oh, that’s right. This is Saturday, I want that candy. Well, I really want it during that time. But the rest of the week, I don’t really want it as much.

Larry Broughton
I noticed that on Wednesday night, I was out over your house for dinner, you got those candy jars or candy ball said, now everyone else was taking a piece of candy and you didn’t even affect you. You just going on about your, your life. Well, we got to remember is that people that are a lot smarter than we are depend on the power of habits and the dopamine hits that we get, because the reward in one is I’m holding up my phone for those who can’t see social media. These brainiacs who created these social media platforms, understand the power of habit and what happens in the brain as you swipe and those little dopamine hits you have get. The great thing is you do have the power to break these habits and the power to create new habits. And part of it is just the awareness as we talked about, I think in episode one, is that something like 43%, at least 43% of the things that we do throughout our day are done habitually. Right? Don’t even think about it, right? So this is powerful stuff. I mean, if you’re an entrepreneur, a leader, a high achiever, and you want to do great things in your life, let’s make it a habit. Let’s break some of the old habits, break some of the bad habits and create some new ones. Yeah.

Dave Braun
All right. Let’s give a few more tips here. Okay, good. Okay. So a couple of other things about habits, just one really big tip that I learned. I think it was from the podcast that I listened to is like, oh my gosh, it made sense. So what you want to do for ones that are good habits, things that you want to establish, make it as frictionless as possible. Love that one. Yeah. Okay. And then for the bad ones, add friction. So let me give you a couple of examples. So the good ones, the lady that was interviewed on that particular podcast to help her establish her morning routine of exercising, she actually wanted to make it easy and fun. So she did a couple of things. One is she ended up sleeping in her workout clothes, that way she got up, and it was one less thing for her to do and figure out she reduced the friction that’s in the way and the steps that’s in the way of her getting and doing what she wanted to do.

Dave Braun
Yeah. And then the other thing that she did is she ended up and when she went to the gym, that is when she allowed herself to watch one of her favorite cooking shows. So she ended up actually looking forward to going to the gym, to get on the elliptical, because that’s the time when she was permitted herself time to actually watch that cooking show. So she made it easy and she made it fun for herself, reducing friction, because if we can reduce the fiction or make it fun, make it easy for us, then we’re a lot more likely to do it. I’ve got on my phone, I’ve got this, this game that I’ve got and I’ve been doing for a long time and they’ve got a daily puzzle to solve. Well, they make it really easy to do, but they always give me a little reward if I solve that puzzle, it’s a little bit of extra points, it’s I can do a I get and the way they do it, visually Larry is they, they have these presents that come on, I pick a present and it’s given me a dopamine hit, but they’re making it so easy when I look at my phone, have the game open it’s right there every morning.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. What I’ve been doing lately, similar to the woman who was watching her favorite cooking show, is that my favorite podcast I am with, I withhold myself from it until I go get on the treadmill. Yeah. That’s my, was like this was good, I get to listen to my, my podcast. Yeah.

Dave Braun
Yep, exactly. So making it, making it fun and that kind of thing,

Larry Broughton
You know, there’s a lot of bad habits that we want to break, Dave. That’s the thing that a lot of people struggle with. It kind of the converse of that. And I’d like to get your input on is if we want to create a good habit, we reduce friction. If we want to break a habit, you know, you’ll probably know where I’m leading with this, We have to add friction, add some barriers, add some barbed wire Constantina wire in between you and that habit. How do we do that?

Dave Braun
Well, there’s various ways depends upon the habit that you want to break. Right? Yeah. So one of the ways is put some physical distance, I think, between what you want to do, if you can, and the habit. So for example, if I wanted to break the habit of my daily game, you know, one of the things I might do is uninstall it. So if I wanted to go and play it and I’d have to go find it, re-install it re-establish my points is like, oh no, I wouldn’t do that. I’d find something else. Yeah. I mean, that’s, that’s one example. One of the examples, I thought that was really good from a society perspective, because these tools can be used from a society perspective as well. And of course, as your organizations, right. If you wanted to build or break, so Larry, I don’t know you, I’m sure you remember we’re about the same age, but I remember when growing up, every people smoked everywhere cigarettes, right? It was everywhere. I remember going into, when I first started working in the offices and close the door and the guy in the, behind the desk would be a chain smoker. And it was just like, oh, it was awful. Well, so we wanted to end up getting reducing that. So there are several things that society did. They added a bunch of friction that people being able to smoke. So think about where can you buy a pack of cigarettes right now?

Larry Broughton
Well, nowadays you have to walk in and see going to shock some people, because it hasn’t always been like this. You have to walk into the 7/11 or the grocery store. You have to ask someone for them, they’re behind some kind of case. I got access to it. Whereas when we were young, you’d walk into a grocery store or anybody. And they were just sitting out there and you’d take, buy a carton of cigarettes. Right. And by the way, there used to be when it was accepted, when we were young. I remember when they started putting warning labels onto cigarettes. They’re trying to society totally changed the perspective about, you know, what this smoking cigarettes is going to do for you. That’s right. I remember my dad complaining when they started increasing the taxes on cigarettes cause my dad was, you know, smoked a lot.

Dave Braun
Yeah. It’s an, it’s another penalty that you pay by smoking. And you know, then what did they start doing You know, restaurants had no smoking sections and then they banned it. Yeah.

Larry Broughton
And boy, I remember that when I was in San Francisco and I was very concerned about, cause we owned nightclubs and restaurants about, oh my gosh, what’s this going to do? Right. In fact, there were some restaurants in the sidetrack for a second where they allowed smoking and they gave employees and ownership interest because you could, the way the law was written in California was that if you had employees, then you couldn’t, then you can’t allow smoking. And so I remember, I know one restaurant in particular, they gave all of their employees an equity position, small to make it allow people to still smoke there. Right. But in the hotel industry, we started removing the Ash trays from rooms. Cause you’re sending signals that you can’t do that anywhere else. So that’s the friction on the smoking thing. And so I guess you had asked what other bad habits do I have?

Larry Broughton
What friction can I have? You know, Dave, let’s be open here. Like pornography is one of those things I know a lot of people struggle with. And so some of those things is like, what does that triple X church or whatever it is, where there’s apps, there’s a barrier that’s put up, but yeah, you can still do it, but you’re gonna have to go through this, jump this hurdle first. And it might notify an accountability partner of that with children on, you can put in filters, right. That measures the amount of game time, screen time that your children are having sort of, you’re creating a habit, Hey kid, you can’t just come home and spend eight hours on your computer. We’re going to limit it for a certain amount of time. That’s friction as being added.

Dave Braun
Yeah, that’s right. Yeah. You know, and, and one of the things you know, we talk a lot about our Wednesday night meeting with the guys. We make that, one of the things that we did to establish that habit is when we first started, we were just meeting together. But what did we add to that? We added, we meet for dinner every night, every week week. Right. And so that’s fun. It’s a reward. So we’ve added that in and that makes it, it’s been fun. So those kind of things, just consciously start thinking about what can I add or take away, depending upon which direction that you want to go with your habits.

Larry Broughton
That’s right. Yeah, that’s good.

Dave Braun
So that’s, that’s about all we got to say on that.

Larry Broughton
I got to say about that, but I would encourage people go back and listen to 115. If you haven’t listened to 115, or next episode, I guess, would be 117, right? We’re gonna be talking about those what are some good habits that we can do as you enter into this new phase of your life? I mean, we’re recording this in early 2022. Doesn’t it could be any time. What are five good habits yeah. Ought to be implemented into your life.

Dave Braun
Okay. Well, let’s put a bow on this one. Well, thank you everybody for joining us. And remember building a team is the way to reclaim your freedom. I know we’re jumping from building a team to building habits. Yeah. Your team can help you build those habits and give you ideas and thoughts on how to do that. Not just for yourself, but for your organization as well, rely on them. Because building a team then gives you the opportunity to really reclaim your freedom. Of course, Larry and I, and our course and community and our White Glove Service, where we find a rockstar for you, rockstar VA for you, we are here to help you. And we’d love for you to do a few things here. Number one, subscribe to this podcast if you haven’t done so on your phone or in YouTube. Number two, give us our rating.

Dave Braun
Any rating is fine. Give us five star. If you can give us 500 stars, but leave a comment below the video if you can as well. Any comment, we want to get the word out on what we’re talking about here. Cause it’s, it’s changing lives. It has over so many years. And then the next thing is go to Hiremyva.com If you want to know more about our course and our community or White Glove Service, go check that out. Because remember, even without experience, you learn how to prepare for hire and thrive with virtual assistants. Go to Hiremyva.com right now for more information.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. Dave, I forgot to tell you this. And some of you might find this humorous. I got a message through social media of the day from someone who was bingeing these a podcast right now. And one of the things that she said is she said, you know, some of this stuff is so simple that you guys talk about, but it’s such a great reminder about how I can implement this stuff in my life. And that’s Dave and I are aggregators of ideas and we just want to share, you know, ideas that we learned. We want to shallow your learning curve a little bit and be cheerleaders for you to help you get through, you know, the journey and reach some higher goals in your life. But I’m going to beg you stop chasing success, but instead do yourself a favor, do the world a favor and do something significant today. All right. So God bless you, God keep you and God hold you. Allright my friends. Go get them. We’ll see you next time.

Dave Braun
Goodbye everybody!

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