HireMyVA Podcast

HireMyVA Podcast 122- Working on your business not in it?

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Episode Summary

As business owners or entrepreneurs, we must all wear multiple hats in order for our company to be successful. But how will we ensure that we are working ON the business rather than IN it?

No matter what you choose to start doing to work ON instead of IN your business, the very first step in this is to allocate a non-negotiable block of time where you can work on this.

This is a fascinating subject to research and learn about. Send us an email and let us know what your strategies are for working on your business. We'd be delighted to hear your thoughts!


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Learn more about Larry Broughton
Website: https://larrybroughton.me
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3vXPEoT
LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3pIXjq8
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3pKVxEU

Learn more about Dave Braun
Website: https://prowebsitecreators.com/about
LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3EpvoQe


Episode Transcription

Dave Braun
Well, hello again folks. Welcome to the HireMyVA Team and Business Building Podcast brought to you by Yoogozi.com. In this podcast in at HireMyVA, we help you to reclaim your freedom through hiring and thriving with virtual assistants without breaking the bank and that means your bank. I’m Dave Braun, I’m here with my partner, my fantastic business mentor and coach, but most importantly, my good friend, Larry Broughton.

Larry Broughton
Hello, handsome David. Hey, I was just thinking what a great event, not event our little get together last

Dave Braun
Oh yeah!

Larry Broughton
Yeah, man. That was powerful last night.

Dave Braun
So thanks for leading us through that one last night too.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. Yeah. My friend, you are not getting together with some close friends circle of advisors that you have in your life on a regular basis. And I mean, at least a weekly without bringing BS into it and then you’re wrong.

Dave Braun
We got to do some training on how people can set that up. Yeah,

Larry Broughton
I think there are no good, but it’s all, all four of us every week. It’s like, this is the highlight of my week. I can’t do my week without doing this.

Dave Braun
When we skip a week, like we’ve skipped at holidays days, twice in two years. It just doesn’t go that well, if I combine that with skipping that week with skipping my church.

Larry Broughton
It’s that powerful, right?

Dave Braun
I’m a mess. I’m a mess. Yeah. Okay. Well, let’s get into our question.

Larry Broughton
Yeah, but we should, I think you’re right. I think we should do a, maybe we’ll do a podcast episode on how people can set those types of things up. Yeah.

Dave Braun
Okay. So here’s the question. How do I work on my business and not in my business?

Larry Broughton
Oh, that’s a good one. So anyone who’s been around leadership or entrepreneurship or business for any length of time knows where that’s probably coming from. I think Michael Gerber from the E-Myth is really the one who was credited for coming up with, with that on versus in my business. And I remember the first time I heard it and I’d been in entrepreneurship for, for quite a while when this book came out was like, yes, that’s what it is. Sometimes you just need a little tagline. Because then, because we know like working on your business talks about, it’s more of a strategic approach. When you’re working in your business, that’s when you feel like you’re in the weeds. And I know that could be, you know, tweaking my out my organization. So for the long haul, it’s going to be doing better, but it’s hard sometimes. You know, who is it? The copy that talks about the four quadrants, you know, urgent important. Urgent, unimportant important.

Dave Braun
Urgency importance matrix?

Larry Broughton
Yeah. Yeah. It’s kind of falls into that and this of working on your business and in your business are transformational for a lot of early entrepreneurs.

Dave Braun
Yes. And it’s it it’s really, sometimes it’s hard to know. And there’s a couple of frameworks I think that will help that one is, you know what Nathan Ingram, my coach says, he says always be mindful, especially if you’re a solopreneur, but most of us, maybe we have small companies and we’re doing well. We are definitely working in the business, but always keep in mind the two hats that you are wearing, one is the CEO hat and the other is an employee hat because you are doing employee or team member type work.

Larry Broughton
The implication here is yeah, the implication here is that the CEO is doing CEO is responsible for more strategic futuristic type of thing. Is that, is that the implication? Because you’re right. Sometimes as an entrepreneur, we played a lot. We wear a lot of hats. Sometimes we’re managers, sometimes we’re actually technician like making the donuts.

Dave Braun
That’s exactly. Exactly.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. That’s good. I like that. one more time. So Nathan says too, don’t forget that you’re wearing two.

Dave Braun
Yeah. Especially if you are a solopreneur or a smaller company and it could be almost any size company. If you’re a manager, we just talked about being an effective manager in the last episode, we really have two hats, or you can have two ads quite often. One is the leader of your organization or the CEO, or, I mean, it could be that you’re a CFO or something like that. Right. So you’ve got to have that hat, the leader of the organization, the CEO, but then the other hat that you will wear is going to be as the team member or the employee, the person doing the work. And it’s so important for us to realize that when we’re doing anything, which hat are we putting on? Which one is it?

Larry Broughton
Yeah. As you grow your organization Dave, but you add team members who can actually do the technical making of the donuts part. The more you ought to be spending time in that important, but not urgent quadrant. Is that right? Urgent important.

Dave Braun
It’s the, it’s the non-urgent but important. Yeah.

Larry Broughton
There you go. Thank you. Because otherwise the stress comes in when it’s urgent and important, right? Like the place is burning down. That’s urgent and it’s important. What would have been probably I could come up with all kinds of funny ideas but I’m not going to right now. Let’s just say, let’s tighten this thing up. All right. Yeah, go ahead.

Dave Braun
I was going to say there’s a mindset issue with this as well, because a lot of times when you’re doing the strategic thinking, the long-term thinking, thinking of new offers, and we’re going to give you some examples of that other than new offers, but you are not getting like that much of a dopamine hit. You’re not getting to where you’re checking something off on your list. When you’re acting as a tactician, as a team member, you’re, you’re in the, you’re down in the dirt, executing, getting stuff done. And sometimes that feels really good. Yeah. And when you’re more doing the strategic, it’s harder to feel like you’re getting stuff done. Here’s a good example of that. Okay. Larry, you’ve had days where all you’re in is meetings all day and at the end of the day. Yeah. And at the end of the day, you’re feeling, or like with me, I mean, I have some days where I’ve just had so many client meetings at the end of the day, I feel like I just didn’t get anything done.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. You know what I’ve had to do? That’s right. That’s right. Because a lot of it is this a theory it’s brain power kind of stuff. Right. And because I know that the mental damage that, that does, to me, this is so silly, but because of that, I ended up creating things to put on my to-do list so I can check them off, show up to the meeting on time, participate in the meeting throughout what I did. I did that. I felt like I accomplished something

Dave Braun
Well at, at a minimum. So I, I adopted your, your list. Right. And if you can see this or any, you guys, if you’re listening, you can’t see it. But one of the things that I added to Larry’s recommended list is on the right-hand side here is I have my, my schedule and I crossed those off.

Larry Broughton
That’s an accomplishment. It is well, so I’m laughing at this because it’s just so we think it’s so silly, but it’s those dopamine hits that we need that keep us moving. That feels like momentum for us. Yes. The brain studies had been done on this. Some people still don’t know this Dave, but when you swipe on a social media thing, they’ve measured, the amount of dopamine hits that you get from that, there is a reason there’s a sense of accomplishment when you swipe it because you’re making a decision. Yes. Or now. Yeah. It’s so silly, but it’s so real.

Dave Braun
Absolutely. Absolutely. So, you know, let’s, let’s talk a little bit more about urgent and important. Obviously. I think we know what urgent means. You can say how soon it matters. Like it matters now or in the next 10 minutes. Important we talked about is how much it matters, right? How, how much it matters for the overall growth of the business or whatever you’re doing. And you know, I’m a big fan of Rory Vaden in his book, Procrastinated on Purpose. And he finds a third dimension to this, and he defines significant, are you talking about Larry don’t chase success, chase significance. And in that case, he defined significant as how long it matters. So urgent is how soon important is how much significant is, how long it matters. So if you’re doing something that’s significant today, it will hopefully last, you know, a little while in the future.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. Yeah. That’s good. Well, I think with that set up, maybe what we can do Dave, because let’s go back and remind people what the question was. The question was basically, how do I work on my business and not in my business? And so maybe we can give some actual specifics on, on things that can help them. And by the way, when you are in a mastermind or you have a coach or a mentor, they can help you with these kinds of things because they’re holding you accountable and you can just get ideas from them. But you know, just some of the suggestions that kind of pop into mind as like, what’s it mean day to be working on my business. Well, believe it or not going to the park, like I can think of a place. Do you know where Heisler park is Dave in Laguna beach?

Dave Braun
I think, I think so.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. It’s there, it’s that beautiful landscape park that that’s on the cliffs there overlooking the ocean. Sometimes I go there, and I just think, Hmm. I just think about the problems that are the challenges, opportunities, or ideas that are in front of me. I let my brain run wild. Right? That’s working on my business. Believe it or not. And I used to feel so guilty. I remember I don’t want to call him a mentor, but there was a guy that I worked with my first business out of the military. And he would say, you know, you need to take a day, day away or a half day away at a minimum just to recharge your brain and just think about challenges we are having. I felt so guilty doing that. But then I realized I was coming back so refreshed with such amazing ideas.

Larry Broughton
So it was helping everyone out. So really thinking time around your challenge, opportunity, idea, or issue is really important. That’s working on your business. because oftentimes things like my, how can I improve my sales pipeline? How can I, how can I improve particular stage of my manufacturing process? That’s working on your business, and you come back and then you have you or your team implement those. If you can shave a percent off of your manufacturing schedule, if you can take two steps out of the sales process, right. That takes thinking time, it takes doing as well and analyzing what’s happening. But you, you do have to put some brainpower into it. That’s thinking on your business.

Dave Braun
Yeah, absolutely. So a couple of tips, if you want to start doing that, if you just say, you know, today, I’m going to have some thinking time and that’s okay. But what’s better is, is to plan a little bit. So in other words, you’re thinking to yourself, all right, I’m going to, I’m going to think I have things I’m thinking I’m going to have thinking time, but you schedule it right. A great place to that. I’ve done thinking time before is on an airplane going somewhere because there’s not any distractions in there. So I, I can think pretty well there, but you plan for that when you’re going to do it, hopefully a place that doesn’t have too many distractions, hopefully a regular place where your brain can start recognizing that this is my thinking place. But another aspect that’s very important is that you have some questions prepared for yourself before you go in probing questions, probing questions.

Dave Braun
Yeah. And you can use the same ones over and over that for your thinking time. Or you can, as you are anticipating a thinking time coming up, say in a few days you may start writing down, I’ve got this problem. Or my clients aren’t reaching out to me, maybe how do I reach out to my clients more? Right. So, so start thinking it a little bit in advance of your thinking time, just two or three questions, that’s all you will need. And then you just go in your thinking time, make sure you bring something to record your thoughts.

Larry Broughton
The brain loves to answer questions. Open-ended questions. How do they call themselves? The brain is meant to be a problem solver. Absolutely. You know, it’s the, anyway, so it’s very interesting. What I’ve started doing lately, Dave, is I’m trying to put my goals into questions. Oh yeah. Instead of here’s one that, you know, it’s, it’s, we’re recording this in the early part of 2022. And what do people oftentimes do in the early parts of the year, say fitness, Not that I’m doing that, but I’m just saying it’s an easy one that most people will relate to. Instead of saying, I will attain my ideal body weight of, I say, how do I, yeah. And then I list 20 ways that I can do that.

Larry Broughton
Right. So that, that’s a simple way to do this, but you know, one of the things Dave that comes to me and it’s an area that I suck at that you are so good at, and that is setting up just about any type of system that you can imagine in your business. I’m really good at identifying holes in an organization where things aren’t happening, but I don’t know how to fix that sunken chest wound necessarily. So I can identify where key holes in an organization, and then you’re able to come in and actually give up systems to fix that. Right. It does take a specific skill, a skillset personality type to develop these systems. So it doesn’t matter whether you can do it or not. At least you can, you probably can either analyze it or actually track the systems that you need in your organization. So you just need to figure that out. Right. But anything from accounting and sales and marketing, operational maintenance, there are all kinds of systems that need to be, need to be developed in an organization. And when you improve or implement a system, that’s working on your business.

Dave Braun
Yeah. You can have some open-ended questions going into that. It’s like what system in my business frustrates me the most. There you go, good one. Or what is costing me the most time or what is not producing accurate or results, or like you said earlier, what system in my business, if I improve it by 5% or 10% or 1%, is that going to yield more results from my life or my business, it does this doesn’t even have to be in business. It could be in, in your life as well.

Larry Broughton
Right. You know, where’s my most significant guest or customer complaint coming from. How can I fix that? Right. Think about that. If you, that means there’s an assumption that you’re asking for this information, by the way. So do I have a system to survey my client satisfaction in the organization? Right. And then if I mentioned this, I guess I did in a previous podcast, we’d recorded. If you’re asking these questions of your team members or of your clients, the worst thing you can do is take that information and then do nothing with it.

Dave Braun
Oh yeah,

Larry Broughton
Yeah. You have to actually then address that somehow. Yeah.

Dave Braun
Yeah. And, and so let’s go back to that thinking time. That was one thing that I left out on, I should have said, is that the worst thing you can do is have your thinking time, write all this stuff down and then go on your Merry way. That’s a waste of time. Yeah,

Larry Broughton
Absolutely. A waste of time. Yeah. So what’s the next step, right? So either you need to implement or you need to have someone in your organization, you’re going to hand it off to once you do the download with them.

Dave Braun
Yeah, yeah, yeah. There’s

Larry Broughton
You say, if you’re a solopreneur, there are outsourced people to do this, right. There are tons of people out there. If you need system set up, there are ad hoc team members that you can bring on board just to, Hey, set up my new inventory system for me. And they’re done, you know, there are a lot of organizations, let’s say they’re going to hire a new software inventory management software. Okay. A lot of these organizations will have trainers as part of the installation to come in and train you how to do it and then make sure that you’re getting the most out of it.

Dave Braun
Yeah. Yeah. Well let’s so let’s put a little bit of structure on it since I’m a systems guy, a little bit of structure. So you say, you’re going to have your thinking time. You’ve prepared. You’ve got some questions. So now you sit down, what you should do is you want, you want to make sure that you just keep writing and you don’t, and I learned a lot of this from, I wish I could remember the author. I have it back here. It’s called the road less stupid. That’s the title.

Dave Braun
He talks about the thinking time. And when you are doing it to help prompt. And he does it with a pen and paper, which is ideal, but he, he, he will write down and then he will always have a, he’ll write a dot. Okay. So a dot and that’s blank. So he’s, he’s, he’s leaves a space for him to write, to let his brain take his thought onto this piece of paper. So he, so he, and he’ll sit there. So you sit there for 45 minutes. For example, the time you’re going to do say you’re going to do an hour, okay. Start with that. You set your for 45 minutes and you, but you force yourself to keep writing, keep thinking, keep jotting notes for 45 minutes. You may be stuck after 30, but guess where the Gold’s going to come from those last few minutes, 45 minutes.

Dave Braun
And then, then, then once that ding set another timer for 15 and go back through your thoughts, circle them kind of try to put, to put them together in a certain way. And then in that time, the next thing you want to make sure you do is, and don’t, don’t quit your thinking time before you do this schedule some time on your calendar, in the future to address your thinking time. That would be, that might mean you meet with somebody to explain the system that you want. Design could be that you start on it, where you outline the tasks to do it, something like that. So you’re actually taking action on what you wrote down.

Larry Broughton
I liked that process, Dave, I’ve got, I think I shared with you folks before they took a creative writing class years ago when I decided I wanted to be a writer and the professor was the former senior editor of reader’s digest and he described Turkey tracking of the storytelling. Can you imagine if you’ve ever been outdoors, he Turkey tracking, there’s a bunch of tracks all over the place. You start with an idea and you start doing little lines of thoughts that come to you off of the original thought. So, you know, how do I develop a standard operating procedure for cash counting or getting cash into the bank. Right? And then you just start writing little ideas around it until ultimately your idea becomes solidified. Yeah. So it’s kind of similar to that, right? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. But mentioning standard operating procedures, this is one of those things that you’re really good at.

Larry Broughton
In fact, part of the, our Victory program and HireMyVA program is how to develop standard operating procedures. Right. And I suck at setting them up. I know that we need them, but you got to have, even though when you suck at it, then there’s really simple ways to do it so that someone else can do it the next time. I love the example that we use in one of our masterminds, where the owner couldn’t get into work one day and had to have someone else go in, but there was no standard operating procedure from how to even unlock the front door, turn off the alarm system, walk to the front desk and count the cash drawer. Make sure that was ready to go to open up the store. Right. And it’s very simple. If you just, you can develop a video to do that right there, there are ways to set up standard operating procedures. If you’re an idiot like me, who is, who hates that kind of detail, right? Take advantage of technology so that you can at least get going. if you’re a solopreneur. So you can hand it over to someone else who can actually formalize that for you, that’s working on your business. Believe it or not.

Dave Braun
Alright. It is. Let’s give a few other tips. All right. Things that you can do, you can start thinking about new and better offers and sit and find them and outline them. Not necessarily implement them, but new offers, maybe a new subscription service, a higher level of service that you can do for your clients. Or you think about, if you want to take your business into an agency type of business, what else do you need to add to outline that? Or who can you partner with? So thinking around the new and, and better offers and of course products as well.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. I like that. I like that one. I like the agency idea. That’s thinking big, right? Yeah. And whether you’ve got new services, products, or whatever, that that’s really important as well. Too many people they’ve tried to build a business around one service or one product and all it takes is for somebody to, I don’t know, what’s the word I’m looking for? Sorry. My brain is not working that well, automated, automated. That’s the word I was looking for. Thank you all welcome. Yeah. All it takes for somebody to create an app for that. And you’re out of business, right? Let’s start anyway. Start your business anyway, but also be thinking what are supplemental services and products that I can be offering for you? I mean, crying out loud, your web, you started out as a website development company. Now you’re doing all kinds of other things around it because clients need it. They want it. You realize, Hey, I’m becoming better at what I do. I’ve learned a lot more. I have a stronger team now. There’s all kinds of reasons, but develop more, more better services and products around it. That’s working on your, on your business, right?

Dave Braun
Yeah. Speaking of that, you can, even, if you don’t know what your clients need, maybe working on your business is spending a half an hour calling up your clients and saying, checking in with them. How are you doing, Hey, what is it that we could do? Or what is the biggest problem that you’re having in your business right now? Yeah.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. Dave, one of the things I don’t want us to forget is that we have to be strategic about this. And so sometimes we need to pull back a little bit, take a deep breath and say, okay, I know here’s what my goals have been historically, let me work on my business by redefining or resetting my goals. Developing some kind of plans that’s going to help me execute on those goals That’s working on your business, for sure. Love upleveling your game, for sure. Because too many of us, we set our goals at one point and sometimes they’re only in our head, we’ve never written them down. Right. And again, part of all of our programs is how to actually set up and develop goals so that they’re easily trackable. And over the last several years, just for everyone’s edification, Dave and I have moved away from 12-month goals into 12 week goals and micro goals that support them. Yes. You’re going to have a long-term yeah. I want to build an empire. Okay. That’s great. But how are you going to get there? You know, so I am a big believer in 12 week and micro goals to, to accomplish and achieve our overall vision and mission for our organizations. Absolutely. That’s definitely working on your goals for sure. I mean, working on your business.

Dave Braun
Yeah. Another, another thing you could be doing to work on your business is negotiating major deals. Now that doesn’t mean where you’re negotiating with a client, you could be negotiating with a strategic partner. It could be negotiating with somebody who has helps you to get in front of your ideal audience so that you can generate more, more leads in your business. So it’s that type of negotiation that’s really working

Larry Broughton
On your business. And let me around those two out there, I think not just negotiate, negotiating major deals, but you can go back and renegotiate just in contracts that you’ve got. If your business is any different today than it was a year ago, maybe it’s time to go re renegotiate your credit card processing fees. Yeah. It was time to renegotiate your, whatever you fill in the blank fees for your organization. Most businesses are nickel and dime businesses. Yeah. Right? The more nickels and dimes you can save the better it sets you up for the future. Right. You’re talking about expanding the influence and profile of your organization. Working on your business is doing one of the things that you and I love doing. And that’s, you know, keynote speeches being on boards and panels and panel discussions, heightening the profile of your organization, getting some PR around it.

Larry Broughton
We’ve got a webinar called setting out the honeypot that helps you do that. Right. That’s working on your business. Do you think you’d do to increase the value and profile of your reputation and business that’s working on your business, for sure. Become the leading authority, the expert in your marketplace. There’s nothing wrong with saying, this is what I’m doing. So funny. I heard somebody comment may kind of a slur at me this past weekend about the ego that it takes to get up on stage. They said it from a negative standpoint, but believe me, I knew where it was coming from. Cause coming from fear because most people don’t, you know, it takes courage to get up and do that. Right. And so, anyway, it’s just do it. If you’re not tooting your own horn, who’s going to yeah, no, yeah,

Dave Braun
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. That’s, that’s great. You know, another thing we kind of talked about this one book, the road less stupid. It is by Keith Cunningham and that’s a strategic book. So that’s one of the things that you can do also is read a strategic book. One of the most strategic books that I know of Larry is Victory.

Larry Broughton
I’ve already done the same with plug recently. So go ahead.

Dave Braun
There’s no rule against shameless plugs. There you go. That is such a strategic book in the area of vision and Intel and all the other items that are in there. There, it’s just full of strategy.

Larry Broughton
In fact, the subtitle of the book is seven revolutionary strategies for entrepreneurs to launch your business, elevate your impact and transform your life.

Dave Braun
Good, good job. You took my, you took my, you took it and ran with it. Sorry. I wanted you to do Reading a strategic book and then implementing some of it. In fact, something that’s I think either alluded to or in the book is the strategic planning for supersize success. Why don’t you talk a little bit about that, that this great guided program that you developed, that’s actually in our, in our membership area, in our community.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. So it’s a guided process. We have a recording of it and there’s a document that you fill out and what we’ve learned over the years, Dave, and I’ve worked with countless entrepreneurs and business owners over the years, that by the time you’re done with this, I forget what the status that I give in the chapter of the book is that you will do more strategic planning in those 90 minutes. And most people do in five years. It’s very powerful, very powerful. And I think it’s worth, it’s worth the investment of your 60 to 90 minutes to actually it isn’t, it’s a great roadmap to get you where you want to go. That’s absolutely working on your business for sure.

Dave Braun
Yeah, for sure. That’s in fact, I think the first thing related to that, that people ought to do is find that book. But really the first thing you want to do right now is if you want to really start working on your business, number one is you’ve got to allocate some time to it. So pause this, go to your calendar right now and allocate an hour, not the next hour, but tomorrow or the next day. And please do it. I beg you the best time is on the morning or a weekend because you’ll get the least interruptions, but I beg you don’t let other things like the urgent come in and interrupt it. Treat it as a date with yourself. Treat it as an important business opportunity because it is. This this one, thinking time could revolutionize, like victory says revolutionize your, your business or your life.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. If you don’t schedule it, you get stuck in what’s called the tyranny of the urgent. Yes. Right. So yeah. Please schedule it and then make a sacrosanct. You’re not going to change it is there. Yeah. Yeah. That’s a lot. I’m working on your business, Dave.

Dave Braun
That’s a lot. And, and, but it’s, I think this Larry really, this is probably the most important podcast that we’ve done overall because by thinking on your business versus in it, you’re going to launch your business into different areas. New Heights, you’ll start developing systems around all the different areas that you need to develop it, develop it. You’re going to start thinking about where do I need to add team members are my team members, the right team members, all of that kind of stuff. You’ll be able to start working in thinking through that. Yeah.

Larry Broughton
I like that a lot. So real important. Well, let’s take this thing home day. Okay.

Dave Braun
Thanks everybody for joining us today. And remember building a team is the way to reclaim your freedom. And we’re here to help you with our course and community and our White Glove service, where we find a rock star VA for you. You need that rockstar VA to implement all these things you’re doing in your thinking time. So right now, though, we’d love you to do three different things. Number one, subscribe to this podcast. If you haven’t already done. So number two, give us a rating, preferably five star, or leave a comment below this video. If you’re subscribed on YouTube, which is we want you to do also just put a comment, any comment below the video, it’ll help us to get the word out. And then number three is go to Hiremyva.com for more information on our course and community and our White Glove service. Remember even without experience, you’ll learn how to prepare for hire and thrive with virtual assistants. Larry and I, man, we’re helping folks. In fact, 10 minutes, I’ve got something I’m going to be on helping folks execute, hopefully using that time to work on their business. But Larry we’re helping folks, you know, everyday practical. Yeah. So we want to help you. So just go to dot com for more information.

Larry Broughton
Yep. We’re going to keep this short, folks. You know the deal- go do something significant today. God bless you. God keep you, God hold you. All right. We love you. We’ll see you guys later. Next time!

Dave Braun
Bye, folks!

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HireMyVA Podcast 60 What are your favorite books in the area of Team Building

HireMyVA Podcast 60- What are your favorite books in the area of Team Building?

Strengths finder 2.0. This is one of my favorites. And we talk about this in our course in community and all the training we do. How critical, how important it is to understand yourself as well as your team. One of the things that I love about it is it really helps you and shows you how important it is to work towards spending as much time working on your strengths and having your team work on their strengths. Maximum success and productivity and happiness. And one of the great things that talk about the different characteristics, but one of the things I love is for each strength, it gives you if you’re a manager, some tips if you’re working with others who have futuristic as a strength.

HireMyVA Podcast 51 Do you really pick the team or does the team pick you

HireMyVA Podcast 51- Do you really pick the team, or does the team pick you?

Most states in this country are at-will employment and they could walk any day of the week, without giving you any kind of notice. And so we have to be respectful of them. I do know that there have been times in my career when I’ve been really clear on the vision of the organization, I was really clear on what type of team I wanted to build. And more than the position I was trying to fill, I was saline, here is where we’re going as an organization. And so I do a casting call, basically looking for rock stars to fill a particular position like senior leadership positions.

HireMyVA Podcast 48 How vulnerable should I be 1

HireMyVA Podcast 48- How vulnerable should I be?

So here’s what the flashpoint says, it says, quoting someone and then disagreeing with them is not something done often, but there are times when it’s needed. Part of being a great leader is leading by example. Forging through obstacles by determined actions, thoughts, and willpower. And when we admit our fears and continue succeeding in spite of them, that exemplifies great leadership because then we’re teaching others to do the same and sending the message that no matter what our fears are, we won’t let them control us. Instead, we will use them for the greater good. So while it’s good to share our inspiration, true inspiration comes from sharing our fears and our courage to succeed through them. Now, here it is again. So while it’s good to share our inspiration, true inspiration comes from sharing our fears and our courage to succeed through them.