HireMyVA Podcast

HireMyVA Podcast 129- How to recover from burnout while still working Part 1

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Episode Summary

We spoke about how to deal with overwhelm on episode 108. However, this topic is more about burnout, which is described as being distinct from typical overwhelm, which occurs when you have too much to do and don't know where to start, making you want to curl up in bed for the day, whereas burnout occurs when the thought of doing that item, or spending time with it, makes you practically detest it, and it's difficult to do even if you only have one thing to do.

In this episode, we will help you recognize burnout. We will share some ways on how to avoid it and recover from it.

Episode 108 - https://youtu.be/E3sWYw8-0yg

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Episode Transcription

Dave Braun
Hey, everyone! Welcome to the HireMyVA Team and Business Building Podcast brought to you by Yoogozi.com. And in this podcast and at HireMyVA, we help you to reclaim your freedom through hiring and thriving with virtual assistants without breaking the bank. And of course, the bank that we talk about every week is your bank! Not yours, Larry. Not mine, but it’s whoever’s listening. Yeah. Hey, speaking of Dave, I’m Dave Braun and I’m on with my usual partner in, I don’t know, I have crime written down, but not crime. It’s a crime we don’t do more of this but, Larry Broughton, how are you?

Larry Broughton
Good. And I’m on with my unusual partner – Handsome Dave Braun!

Dave Braun
Yeah. I need to get uh

Larry Broughton
He described me as usual partner, so

Dave Braun

Larry Broughton
You’re young dude.

Dave Braun
I need to get a haircut. Look at this man.

Larry Broughton
Looking, looking, something,

Dave Braun
Looking ragged. I just haven’t had time. I’m so busy. Isn’t that this is gonna lead in what we’re talking about when you’re so busy, you can’t go get a haircut. There’s something wrong with that.

Larry Broughton
That’s right. That’s right, Dave, what’s our topic today?

Dave Braun
Okay. Our topic is our question is yeah. How do I avoid burnout? And what do I do if I’m burned out, especially while still working? And that’s part of the tough part on this and you know, Larry, as we were working on this episode, going through it and talking about it, we were like, oh my gosh, there’s just so many things that we can think of. So many items that we wanna mention. And you know, we just can’t get all of this into one episode or else it’d be probably, you know, really, really long. So we thought we’d break it up into two parts. So folks stay tuned for part two.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. Okay. But dude, I think we ought to start out with this, that I have been burned out for sure in my life more than once. I recognize that I have been approaching burnout for a long time in my life right now, if I’m being honest. It’s been a long, long time, like multiple years since I’ve taken a vacation, I’ve had a lot of mental, emotional stress lately. And so I just say this, if you’re experiencing mental exhaustion or emotional stress or you’re feeling physically exhausted, you could be experiencing burnout or the warning signs of it. And that leads to fatigue, feeling disconnected, feeling worn out. You know, Dave burnout is really just a form of extreme and I’m gonna use this word intentionally chronic stress that shows up and can manifest itself in really lots of dysfunctional ways. I’m using those words intentionally because this is serious stuff. It really is.

Larry Broughton
You know, I’ve seen a couple of surveys during the last several months on this topic. So why have I been seeing those? Well, because prior to COVID, surveys were showing that about 43% of the American workforce was, is, felt like they were either experiencing or about to go into burnout. 43% Okay? The last survey that I saw, I think there were two different surveys in this one article pointed to a survey that was done in late 2021 that show that over half of the American workflow force were feeling burned out. Up from 43% prior to the COVID thing. So if you’re experiencing burnout, it can feel when you’re in it, it can be, feel very difficult to get, to get on track. Like you feel, really feel desperate sometimes, but it’s an important to reset our minds and reset our bodies because the long term negative effects of burnout are serious. I mean, this is when heart attacks happen. This is where suicidal ideation happen. This is not a topic where you, you just blow it off, right? Your physical wellbeing is at risk here and it can affect happens. We get, and it negatively affects the way we perceive ourselves. It reduces our sense of self accomplishment. The term, if anyone’s been in therapy before you start having dissociative behavior of your personality, right? You start to separate yourselves.

Larry Broughton
It’s really important then as leaders and as business owners, as entrepreneurs, that we are able to recognize these signs, Dave, before like the train us over, we’ve mentioned that a metaphor in this episode that we did, but the same thing for your team members, some of your team members are gonna wanna be heroes and they’re gonna work themselves right into the fricking ground because, crying out loud, Larry’s working this, this hard, Dave’s working this hard and maybe we need to, maybe I need, maybe that’s the standard for which every, I need to do everything. And so I would just say that if you’re feeling, and by the way, you need to look at this with your team members, if either you are feeling or you’re recognizing that people are emotionally exhausted, they’re cynical, so cynicism is part of, of disassociation, and when people are cynical, they’re no longer really engaged in, in the organization.

Larry Broughton
Burnout can manifest itself in ways and physically like, you know, headaches and stomach problems and high blood pressure and muscle tension or people are there’s lacking motivation or their productivity plummets where you start seeing team members or in yourself who are one point highly confident. But now they’re plague self doubt and low self esteem. That’s when we’re in a serious spot at that point, Dave. And then finally, where I feel like if you don’t recognize this last thing, this is where like the suicidal ideation really starts to, to creep in. And that’s when people feel like lonely and detached. Burnout is a serious thing, my friends, Dave, oh, I’m glad we were talking about this today. So with that background, Dave, unless you wanna add, so for that, I think we ought get into like, how do we avoid all this stuff?

Dave Braun
Yeah. I, you know, and just recently-

Larry Broughton
Sorry I pontificate there. That’s great. This is a serious issue. It’s a serious issue.

Dave Braun
Yeah. And, and there, there could be some cross between feeling burnout and actually being depressed. You know, it could be that as well, or, you know, I think burnout can really lead to depression if you’re not doing something about it. And I know one of the telltale signs that I have experienced myself and seen lately, and some folks is they get very irritable. And especially in business, if you start getting to a point where it’s like, you almost are cursing some of the customers that are helping your clients who are helping you pay your bills, then there’s something wrong with that, you know, saying, oh my gosh, that person is just so picky, that person has called me again, they put in another help ticket. Oh my gosh, there’s such a pain. Well, you gotta be careful that, that you’re not doing that for every client. Now you may have a, a client or two that you need to it fire, but you gotta be careful and make sure you understand that if that’s your normal response to everybody or not.

Larry Broughton
So that, yeah, I like that comment, Dave, because we have had clients in our organizations, you know, the different businesses where they are, the client was just, ultimately, we relalize we didn’t share the same core values. Yeah. That was the reason why everything, they did, not everything I was doing, I’m being a little bit dramatic right now. But many things that they did just felt like nails on a chalkboard to us. And then when we got together as an executive team and said, okay, why is this happening? What’s going on? We didn’t share the same core values. And so it takes courage to fire a client sometimes, but sometimes it’s the best thing you can do for the mental health of you and your organization. And sometimes when you fire bad clients, it opens the door for good clients to come in.

Larry Broughton
I don’t wanna sound too California-ish, but you gotta get that negative energy outta the organization. But I like your point though, you need to be, we need to be a little self reflected and say, is this me projecting my own angst on this client? Or does the client really have a point? Like, yeah, we, we are falling short of, you know, our performance, maybe, you know, we need to tweak our systems. We have to get intentional about analyzing this just because someone pisses us off one day, you shouldn’t be reflexively just firing a client without analyzing your own Naval a little bit.

Dave Braun
Yeah. And I think typically the burnout is gonna be where you’re irritable at every client. And I think that’s gonna end up spilling over into your personal life too, that you’re irritable with your kids or you kick the dog or, you know, whomever, right. It’ll spill over into that. All right. So, so I think most people can kind of get a feeling of whether or not they’re burned out. So maybe we can talk about ways to avoid it. What do you think Larry?

Larry Broughton
Yeah. One of the things that’s really helped for me, particularly in the last couple of years is to lean into friendships and relationships I’ve got outside of my professional life, I guess I should say because sometimes they give me perspective. Now I’m careful with what I share with some friends, cuz because sometimes they don’t have my point of view and I don’t wanna spend my entire, interactions with them giving them the background of it. But being around friends on a very regular basis creates an environment where I can share and just be myself and take the work uniform off sometimes. It’s a distraction to be honest with you sometimes, but it helps me recognize there’s more to my life than just my business pursuits.

Dave Braun
Yeah. And if you had some friends where it’s, it’s kind of a safe place to share stuff just, and I mean, this is what you and I do with a couple of guys. Yeah. Just getting that toxicity of that stuff that we’re feeling verbalizing. It, it kind of helps get it out of us and provides us a little bit of a temporary re reprieve. But if we’re able to verbalize it and especially verbalize it to somebody else, we’re able to hear it. And that leads to a potential new self-awareness with the opportunity for self correction.

Larry Broughton
Exactly good point with the opportunity of some self-correction when you have these- I’m so apprehensive of using this term because it’s been so politically charged about safe spaces, you know, but it is a safe environment I guess, when you have those, you can actually start discussing some relationships that you might be struggling with that might be bogging you down that might be bringing some negative energy into your life. And those relationships might be team members. They might be clients, but they might be family members too. They might be love relationships that you’re in. You know, years ago I had a buddy of mine, his name is Rob and I’m not gonna give his last name, but his brother gave him advice that he shared with me about, you gotta live your life in 24 hour compartment. You know, you gotta live, you gotta separate your life.

Larry Broughton
You got your professional life and your business life. And I thought that sounded so sage back then. Yeah. So wise it could be, it could be further from the truth. It is so wrong. You really have to live your life integrally. I’m not pronouncing my word in an integral fashion. And, but I guess the, the point is you’ve gotta have someone that you can discuss these relationships with because if I’m having a bad relationship with my love partner, that’s gonna affect my business life. If I’m having a tough relationship with you, Dave, you know, my business partner, that’s gonna have an impact on my per personal life. So we’ve gotta have someone that we can talk to and then you gotta have the courage to deal with them.

Dave Braun
Well, and Larry, I, let me tell you on that really quick. And that’s one of the reasons why it’s so important and we have it in all of our programs is the whole health spider graph.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. Yeah. And that’s, maybe we can put a link. Can we put a link in our show notes?

Dave Braun
Yeah. We need to do that. We need to do that. So it helps everybody to understand where there are rating themselves on a scale of one to 10 and all the different, you know, the main different areas of life, the eight areas that we’ve come up with. I mean, we’ve talked about it in the show notes in the past, but yeah. And it’s because all of these different aspects of ourselves spill over into other areas, like if we’re feeling crappy physically, it’s gonna affect our work performance. It’s gonna affect our relationships and all that kind of stuff.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. Yeah. You know, I had so much tell me years ago when we talk about this stuff is like I was talking about relationships, dude, you need to be in therapy. Yes. The answer today is yes. The answer then was no, but I do think that having talk therapy does help a lot with burnout because sometimes just getting another, this is where, whether it’s professional therapy or from the, the, the wisdom from a mentor, from a wise friend, talking things through does sometimes give different perspective. Dave, and that’s almost like taking the pressure off a little bit, deflating the tire a little bit. You know what I mean by be, be by being able to talk things through, with someone, with someone. And the reason I think that therapy is really important because I, I do know the effects, negative effects of burnout. Like I said earlier, left unchecked,

Larry Broughton
It can lead to very unintentional physical ramifications. And sometimes I dunno if it’s intentional or unintentional, but I do have friends, frankly, that during, during seasons of burnout have taken their own life. They didn’t have to. Right. But they just felt like I’m just so burned out. I’m I feel no passion in my life. I’m so empty. All I’m doing, I feel completely drained all the time. You know? So I don’t wanna keep bringing everyone down, but this is a serious, like I said, this is a serious topic. So consider therapy, if you, if I think everyone should do therapy, that’s, that’s my thing.

Dave Braun
No, it might be a good idea for us to do an episode in the future of how do you really find a therapist? Because you know, we’ve talked about do therapy. We’ve talked about that in, in multiple masterminds. You know, I just heard it the other day. Well, well, what kind of therapist, how do you find somebody? How do you know that they are aligned with you? What is the best approach? So I think that’d be a good episode for us.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. Well, I could tell you this experientially, from my own experience, I had to look, I had to shop around. Yeah. I went to a few before I finally found someone who wasn’t just didn’t wanna hear about, you know, old green bra stories. They, you know, that must be so cool. Jumping outta airplanes that like, I’m not here to entertain you, dude. You know, go read a book. You wanna hear about that stuff?

Dave Braun
Oh, that’s great. That’s great. Well, you know, we speak of therapy. There is a really good form of self therapy that can work for a lot of folks, and that’s journaling.

Larry Broughton
Dude, to be honest with you, I’m in therapy right now, right? I mean, for those who don’t know, my son passed away just two months ago. And it’s one of the things he wants me to be doing is journaling, writing letters, getting things out. And I just know this from, from writing books, the more you actually write the clear your thoughts become.

Dave Braun
Yes. Right?

Larry Broughton
Because sometimes your brain is just spinning. Dave. I think journaling is, is, is really important. And I think there’s a couple types of journaling I would recommend to, to people. One is the idea of journaling, just getting things out, just free, forming free streams of thoughts and consciousness. Well, I guess there’s a few, another is actually writing letters to people. Now don’t send them, please don’t send them yet and then maybe burning them. But another is a gratitude journal. It is a separate, almos that’s the word I’m looking for a, a word it’s almost like this, not holy book, but it’s this thing that is just, it’s a precious book. Only good thoughts get written in that. Like my, my gratitude journal is there’s a beautiful leather journal. I love the feel of the pages. I got a special pen that I write.

Larry Broughton
And I, I take my time. My handwriting is much neater and it’s, it’s precious to me. My other journal is just, there’s just notebooks. You know, you know, I was gonna say, I got, oh, got a pile of stuff, falling off my desk here. I’ll just show you right here. What it is. It’s just one of these and it is just scribble marks, you know, and sometimes little drawings and, and those types of things. But it’s for me even to go back and read what I wrote last week, sometimes it’s hard for me to read is just getting it outta my head. But the gratitude journal to me is much more precious. That’s what I do. You do, whatever, whatever you want. But I think journaling is a, is a good, good tool as well to, to help you with either deal with or even avoid burnout.

Dave Braun
Yeah. Those are those. Those are some, some great tips. Just recently I was feeling overwhelmed, which is not the same as burnout. That’s right. But I was feeling overwhelmed and we talked about that in episode 108. So go back. If you want to hear how to deal with that.

Larry Broughton
How do you remember this stuff, dude? Okay. It was 108. We’re on 129 now? Okay, go ahead- in 108.

Dave Braun
Okay. Larry, Larry plug your ears. Larry, plug your ears.

Larry Broughton
Okay what?

Dave Braun
I look it up.

Larry Broughton
Oh, OK.

Dave Braun
I search on YouTube for our own stuff.

Larry Broughton

Dave Braun
That’s my secret.

Larry Broughton
OK. Right. Good, good.

Dave Braun
Yeah. So I, I journaled and, that helped out now. It was more of a freeform one, but that helped me with overwhelm, you know? And, and Larry, as you were talking, it’s kind of weird thinking about it was a form of journaling. I don’t know if you know like a church services and stuff. Sometimes you want, they ask you to, you know, write something down, that’s holding you back, you write it down on a piece of paper and then they do various forms. Well, sometimes we’ve actually written it on a like on a rock or taped it door rock, and throwing it in a lake. But a lot of times we’ll write it on a piece of paper around like on good Friday and then nail it to the cross. You know that’s there in the service. That’s a formal journaling.

Larry Broughton
We’ve done it in the masterminds before where you write the things that are holding you back or have been plugging you write it on a board.

Dave Braun
That’s all right. We did that.

Larry Broughton
Break the board, right? Yeah. How many we’ve done that countless times. Over the years. Yeah.

Dave Braun
Oh, that’s fun. That’s actually an image from the video of me doing that is actually my, my screen image on my computer.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. By the way, we use one inch boards, not the little fake Valsad boards that some of these people do. And we’ve had tiny little people do it.

Dave Braun
Yeah. I remember-

Larry Broughton
I can think of one person who it took about 10 times to try it, but she did not give up.

Dave Braun
She did not. It was powerful.

Larry Broughton
It was. And when she finally did it, I heard that when she and her husband do talks, they still refer to do that.

Dave Braun
Did they refer that? We do. Yeah. Pretty cool. Yeah. That’s yeah. That’s pretty cool. Yeah. So journaling is awesome. You know, and we talked about a little bit about, you know, the personal and the work often overlapping, cross boundaries and all of that. So all I can do that, but regarding that, all those different areas physically. Oh yeah. And keeping ourselves physically healthy and we can talk about a bunch stuff and we don’t wanna go into detail cause that’s not what this’s about, but keeping yourself physically healthy is so, so, so, so important to avoid burnout.

Larry Broughton
You’re a good role model for me in a couple of areas like you regularly exercise, you take naps daily.

Dave Braun
I do. Right.

Larry Broughton
Sleep hygiene is something, I don’t know how you on, on the sleep hygiene be beyond the naps. The sleep hygiene is so important. Yeah. I am not great at it just because of the season I’m in my life right now. But we spent a good amount of time in one of our last client calls, Dave, talking about the importance of sleep. You’re also pretty good with a couple little exceptions. Your diet’s pretty good with the exception of dozens of packs of Oreo cookies around your house at any one time and more candy just about within reach. Oh, how you stay so thin?

Dave Braun
When you come over, you sneak all those too. So we’re both getting on.

Larry Broughton
Didn’t say I didn’t, that’s why I’m bringing it up.

Dave Braun
And I’m glad you brought it up because I think the key is, you know, is balance, you know, just, yeah. I mean, typically what I do is on Saturdays. I allow that to be kind of my cheat day. Yeah. Where I eat some of the crap. So, and that works for me.

Larry Broughton
Well, we do need to, I don’t wanna like just fluff this off. If you are, if all you’re putting into your body is red bowls and Oreo cookies, you are not fueling your brain or your body effectively. We’ve gotta have good amounts of water. You gotta have some vegetables, you gotta have some clean proteins in your diet for sure. And there’s enough of those diet video out there. And, you know, just, just be smart with what you put into your body.

Dave Braun
Yeah. I was listening to a podcast about longevity and all that kind of stuff. And I mean, they’re talking about how important breakfast is not to go more than 12 hours between meals. But one of the things that I know that you do and I do is so important from the a foundation nutritionally is we have our morning smoothies with all kinds of good stuff in ’em. So that way we know Larry, no matter what happens during the rest of the day, we’ve got a really good base of nutrition that’s in our body for the whole day no matter what else happens.

Larry Broughton
That’s what I do. And so I’ve mentioned this before on some of these podcasts, Dave, or maybe it was just some masterminds, but I you’re. Right. I know from a nutritional and vitamin and mineral perspective that I’ve got enough to keep my body going calorically. I’m not getting enough from it, but I do super greens and a high quality protein, and I’m taking my supplements and I’m doing Super Reds and Spirulina and all kinds of stuff that, and I’m not drinking it for flavor. I’m drinking it for the nutritional value. Yeah. That it brings, I’ve tried to get both my kids to even try and it looks so gross they won’t even try, they won’t try. Cause I just, I put it all in one thing and you know, but it work.

Dave Braun
Yeah. It works well. So, you know, one of the things that we kind of wrote down was to never neglect this. I mean, if you, I remember years ago when I was laid off for my corporate job cuz the company went bankrupt, reading some books about resetting your life in so many ways. The number one piece of advice that they said is exercise. Make sure you don’t give up on your exercise, keep yourself good physically, cuz that allows you to have this buffer against this extreme mental, emotional stress that you’re going through.

Larry Broughton
All right. We need to spend another, this minute on this. There is no reason why you can’t do some form of exercise. There isn’t. I used all kinds of excuses myself, but I know that I I’ve got the time in the morning. Get up before I even go to the bathroom. I could drop down and knock out 10 pushups. Yeah, I could do that, but I don’t. Okay.

Dave Braun
Can you do it right now? come on do it right now.

Larry Broughton
But I could and I should do that and then roll over and do 10 sit-ups at least do something. I saw an interview with a guy just the other day, it was talking about that. A recent study showed that if you go out, like before you do anything, you get up and go out and get some sun immediately that it does something about your energy level. I need to watch it, I’ve got it saved on YouTube. Like I need to go back and, and watch that. And that’s what he was saying. He said that what he does is he gets up and before he goes to the bathroom, he goes outside. When it’s, he said, even if it’s on a hazy day and he gets down and does a few pushups, few setups, few flutter kicks and he gets back up and you know, walks around his house and then goes back in and then he does what he needs to do. That’s his habit. We could all do that. All right. So let’s say Dave, that I’m 400 pounds overweight. Maybe that’s not a realistic number. Let’s say that I’m 150 pounds overweight. I could still get out and walk.

Dave Braun

Larry Broughton
I may be only be able like right now, maybe I can’t walk to the mailbox. But walk out to the car, then walk back, walk 50 extra feet. The next day, it’s all putting one boot in front of the other. We have to do this. It is so vitally important. And when we exercise, endorphins start to kick up in our brains. And that helps us get a more positive outlook on light. And you have this sense of accomplishment that you did something today that you didn’t do yesterday. And easy way to track this stuff is just on a lot of these health apps. Most phones today are pre-loaded with a health app and I get reminders, Hey, you know, you’re down 200 steps on average a day. Then you were last week, come on, slug, move out, you know, get, move, do something. There’s just a little heart app on your phone. So we can, there really aren’t real excuses for most people. I’ve got friends, you know, Dave, you’ve seen some of them, right? Who are like double amputees or been burned over 80% of their body. They’re finding ways to do something. Okay. Right. Something.

Dave Braun
Yeah. I mean, there’s all kinds of simple tricks. Maybe we should do a podcast on that. But like one of them is when you go to park in a parking lot park, farther away, or very far away from the entrance. Now of course you wanna be careful at night and all of that kind of stuff, you wanna be careful of your safety. That’s not what I’m talking about. But you know, like when you go to church park far away, when you go to the grocery store park, farther away in the parking lot and walk, you know, so there’s, you can build those kind of things in those little habits, that’ll help you to get a few extra, steps and that extra movement and just a little bit, it, that adds up over time.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. My friends we’re spending a lot of time on the physical part and I’m sorry about that. But this is something that you can control. There was that Japanese study that was done, Dave, that showed that optimally, we should be taking 10,000 steps a day. And that decreases heart attacks by something like 40. I forget what the numbers, it’s a lot of percentage points Just by walking 10,000 and steps a day. Now for most people, that’s about five miles. This over the course of the day in the, in the study show, it didn’t even matter whether you did it all at once or just over the course. But it’s actually getting the movement in. We should keep going or else we’re gonna be stuck on physical all day.

Dave Braun
One more, one more really quick. Okay. I think I just thought of, you know, you’re in your office or you’re at home. Yeah. And you have to go use the bathroom. Well go walk to the farthest bathroom in the house to go. Why not? That’s a few extra steps. Maybe go down the stairs, maybe go up the stairs to do that. That’ll get you some extra movement. Okay. I think we’re done with that.

Larry Broughton
Keep the horse. Yeah. Yeah.

Dave Braun
Well, I, I think the next thing that we want to talk about might be a little bit more drastic and we’ve gotta put some caveats on there. So, and this can work for some folks is maybe you have to do something a little bit more drastic. Like I mentioned is considering a change in your career or your job. Maybe you just have to get that new environment. Yeah. A new, a new profession. Maybe that’s, what’s gonna be that’ll help you.

Larry Broughton
It might be dramatic, but let’s say that it’s your job. You may be working in a toxic work environment that is just sucking your life blood.

Dave Braun

Larry Broughton
You know the great thing about as we’re taping this or recording this thing today, there are employers begging for team members. I’ve seen really crappy members leave an organization or be fired from an organization and be hire the next day, making more money than they were making before. There is a shortage of good team members out there, please be courageous. If this is what, what you’re feeling. Okay. So there’s that. So it’s like no fault of your, but you’re in a toxic environment, but let’s say that you’re in a career that you went to school for and you got a degree in it and you’re now 45 years old and it’s just the passion’s not there. Well that, so what people change your interest change over time. Start trying to learn something new. This can help you avoid burnout as well.

Larry Broughton
So think of, but start thinking about Dave, I’m not gonna quit my job today. Is that what you told me, Dave, should I quit my job today? No, you’re not saying that, but start considering it. So let’s say that you’re a computer programmer and you’ve realized, Hey, I’m not the type of person that can sit in front of a computer all day. I need to be doing something else. And I don’t know, pick something, start getting trained, get some experience in whatever, something else that in that, that interests you, that’s a little more physically demanding where you’re actually interacting with people who knows. But again, a lot of the things take courage, Dave, I keep using that word, but it’s, it’s important because it’s easy, Dave, for us to, we know the amount of pain and slings and arrows that are coming at us. And sometimes we just kind of, all right, so this is the known, at least I know the environment that I’m in the fear of the unknown paralyzes people sometimes.

Dave Braun
Yeah. Right.

Larry Broughton
So that’s why we always encourage people, go try something new. Do you remember the exercise that we did Dave at a couple of masterminds where we had people list, he list a bunch of things that you’re afraid of.

Dave Braun
Oh yeah.

Larry Broughton
Speaking in public meeting new people, I don’t know whatever it was, we listed it. And then do you remember the next step was Dave? What did we do? We had to, we signed accountability partners and they had to go out and do it.

Dave Braun
Do it, do what they’re most afraid of. Yeah.

Larry Broughton
Right. And so there were people who went to the local reptile store and held snakes. Yeah. You know, or scorpions or people went out and they had accountability partner. They had to go, had to go meet people in a local mall. Somebody had to go do a little impromptu speech. And everyone came back without exception, feeling more courageous and bold than they had before.

Dave Braun

Larry Broughton
Afraid of Heights. So they went up to the top of the building, you know?

Dave Braun
Yeah, yeah.

Larry Broughton
Doing those kinds of things helps you recognize, you know, I actually do have a little bit of control in my life. It is self-imposed barricades and I’m putting up in my life that’s holding me back sometimes.

Dave Braun
Yeah. And I think one of those self-imposed barrier, like you mentioned at a particular age, 45, it’s like, oh, a career change. You’re thinking, oh man, I’m throwing away those 20 years or whatever it is 25 years. But you know, nowadays, you know, people are gonna be working their careers if they want to, into their eighties. So even you and me, we’re 60-ish. We got 20 really good years left given health health and how we’re taking care of ourselves and all that. We got 20 good years. Yeah. That’s plenty of time to even start a new career if you want.

Larry Broughton
That’s right. And really make an impact on the world. But don’t be reflective on this stuff because Dave said, go get a new job in the recovery world. We, this thing called halt. Don’t make big decisions when you’re hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. Okay? So because the boss was a jerk to you today, or there was a client who pissed you off, don’t make a decision because you know, and to boot, you haven’t eaten since last night, make sure that you’re not hungry, angry, lonely, tired when you make these big life changing decisions. Yep. Yep. Dave, we have gone through a lot and we had a little preamble in the beginning. I wonder if we ought wrap this up and come back and do part two now or do to feel like we ought do another one. I’m I’m open to whatever you wanna do.

Dave Braun
Yeah. I think we need to go to go into a part two because it makes it easier for us to chunk these down a little bit for folks. Yeah. And you know, it’s a little bit of draw to people to hang around for the next one. Right? We’ll be honest, right?

Larry Broughton
Good, good, good.

Dave Braun
Okay. Well, so I think we wanna do, we’ll do a quick review. That’s the ones the ones we covered.

Larry Broughton
Do you remember?

Dave Braun
Yeah. So we talked about- well it’s cuz I have notes. I’ll be honest. Right? So we talked about really what burnout was and how to start recognizing the signs of it. We talked about that. And then some of the ways to avoid it is, you know, great friendships. We about that, and great friendships where you could be honest with folks. We talked about looking at some of your other relationships in your life. Maybe those are the things that are causing you to really feel that burnout. We talked a little bit about therapy. We discussed journaling and the and Larry really went through a lot of really good, different ways to journal like a thank you or gratitude journal or just sitting and writing stuff down. All of that’s cool. And we even talked about some with, how we do things with the church is done in the past.

Dave Braun
Yeah. We talked about, you know, looking at your personal life and your work life and how those things can cross and, and multiple aspects of your lives of your life. How one of those areas that you may be falling short in effects the other. Now one of those areas that we also talked about was physically, we went a lot into keeping yourself physically healthy. Yeah. Now with Larry mentioned sleep hygiene, how important that is. I mean, that’s huge for hormone regulation, everything we talked about, exercise, diet and all that like and control. And then we kind of finished up with a quick discussion on changing career potentially. Now, even though Larry says to go change your career, quit right now. But yeah, there’s the big caveat on changing your career really, really put some thought into it and make sure it’s the right thing to do. And it’s not something else that’s causing you to feel this like, Ugh, this burn out. So go ahead, Larry.

Larry Broughton
Yeah. Yeah. Just say this. Thanks for keeping notes on this and keeping us on track. I encourage people stick around or watch this. We’ve got another part two coming up on this, but we really appreciate you folks. I’d love to hear from you if you’re still hanging around with us, that means you really, this is important to you in the comment section. What are you doing to avoid burnout? What tips or lessons have you learned? How has burnout affected you and your life? We’re always looking for topics and discussion ideas for future episodes. So go ahead and drop from in the comment section we’d love to hear from you.

Dave Braun
Yeah. I think before we sign off, the final thing that I would say is, you know, you may be like the most enthused person that you’re working. You may be just loving it and everything, but it can start switching around if you’re not careful to adopt. If you’re not careful and don’t adopt some of the things that we talked about. Yeah. Make some of these things, a regular part of your life to keep you from getting burned out, let look at them as preventative medication in a way. Yeah. Right. Good.

Dave Braun
Okay. Well, thank you everybody for joining us today. Being part of this, this is really fun. But remember building a team is the way to reclaim your freedom. We are gonna talk about how that helps you avoid burnout as well. But we are here to help you with our Course and Community and our White Glove Service, where we find a rockstar, VA (virtual assistant), I can’t say that virtual assistant for you. But three things we’d love for you to do right now. And we’d really appreciate it. Number one, subscribe to this podcast, if you haven’t already done. So either on your iPhone, your Android phone and on YouTube by hitting the subscribe button, click on the little bell to get reminders. And then number two, give us a rating. Preferably five star, leave a comment below this video. As Larry mentioned an idea, a question, anything, because it helps to get the word out. And then number three, go to Hiremyva.com for more information on what I just mentioned our Course and Community and our White Glove Service. Because remember even without experience, you’ll learn how to prepare for hire and thrive with virtual assistants. Larry and I’ve helped lots of folks. We just had a great Q and A last week. Oh. And you know, we want you to be part of our tribe too. And come on, we want to help you. So just go to Hiremyva.com for more information.

Larry Broughton
Hey, one of the things that will help you avoid burnout is doing things that actually lead to significance, significance in the life of your family, your community, your workplace. So do yourself a favor. Do the world a favor. Go do something significant today. All right my friends, God bless you. God keep you and God hold you. We’ll see you the next time for part two of this. All right.

Dave Braun
Okay. Bye. Bye everybody

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