Dave Braun
Welcome, to the HireMyVA Team and Business Building Podcast brought to you by Yoogozi.com. And in this podcast and at HireMyVA, we help you to reclaim your freedom through hiring and thriving with virtual assistance without breaking the bank. And of course, it’s normal, it’s your bank, the most important bank to you, which my bank is most important to me. Right, Larry?
Larry Broughton
You’re so selfish.
Dave Braun
I know. I’m Dave Braun and I’m here with this other dude here, Larry. You may have heard about him, but he’s my great partner in Yoogozi and a great mentor and helps coach me. And you’re a brother walking with me through all these crazy life’s ups and downs. Say, hello, my friend.
Larry Broughton
Hello, my friend. Hi, handsome, Dave. How are you, man? Folks, if you don’t have someone like the relationship that Dave and I have got here, where you are on life’s journey together, that’s kinda how we describe it for each other. You know, we don’t just do business together, but we actually do life together. We meet at least once a week just to share what’s going on in our lives and hold each other accountable. You really need it. You will absolutely see exponential growth in areas of your life. It’s like any relationship though, you have to work the relationship. You know, when you become a passive participant in your own life, is it any wonder that you flounder? Is it any wonder that frustrations creep in? So, you know, Jim Rohn is famous for saying “you become the average of the five people you hang out with the most.”
Dave Braun
Larry Broughton
Right? Time for you to take a little bit of an audit in your life. So, Dave, handsome, Dave, I’m glad that you are in there. The one thing I wish that would rub off on you more than anything else right now, though, is your hair.
Dave Braun
I know, look at that.
Larry Broughton
You have a good-looking head of hair for your age, man. An eye on the other hand.
Dave Braun
Yep. A little bit of gel. Two types of gel I use, one is at the, I did this one this morning, but the first type of gel is called sweat.
Larry Broughton
Are we gonna get an affiliate fee for promoting that?
Dave Braun
No. Everybody, don’t look up sweat.com. It’s not there.
Larry Broughton
Oh, you’re saying literal sweat?
Dave Braun
Larry Broughton
I see, got it. I thought it was a new product or something. I guess.
Dave Braun
It’s kind of gross, but that’s—
Larry Broughton
Someone’s gonna use it. All right. What’s the question this week, David?
Dave Braun
Well, the question is, we’re on episode 1 34. And the question basically is, there’s so much in the HireMyVA course and community, how do I figure out what is there?
Larry Broughton
Oh, that’s a good one, Dave. You know what, here’s what I think a lot of people need to understand about this HireMyVA thing. We are constantly adding new content to this darn thing, based on what we’re learning, what’s working, what’s not working, and what are we learning from the clients that are going through the thing, and so it keeps getting better and better. And the truth is between the podcast and the lessons we’re learning, there is more content in there. So it is a good question because frankly, you and I have looked at a lot of the—We’re not the only VA program out there. We’re the best, but we’re not the only ones out there. And one of the things I think that makes it the best, Dave, is that it’s an evolving product. It’s not a course that we put together over a weekend and we’ve recorded it. And now we’re just pushing it, pushing it, pushing it, and doing all kinds of ads on social media, that’s not the way it is. I think it’s because you and I are both successful business owners who really use VAs in our real businesses to grow them. And we’ve got coaching clients that are doing it as well. And now, we’ve got clients just through the HireMyVA Program. So it’s an evolving program.
Dave Braun
Larry Broughton
So, I think it is a good question. Maybe, Dave, we ought to kind of walkthrough on how do we find—What was the question? How do I figure out what’s there?
Dave Braun
Larry Broughton
Maybe ought to walk us through.
Dave Braun
There’s so much in there and you know, that can happen with any course that you sign up for. Now, I think it’s important for us to differentiate. We’ve got the course and community. When you sign up for the course itself, the educational course, you get access to our community as well as our focus times that we do once a week, which is a lot of fun, but then most importantly, you get access to a Q & A session every month, where we talk, we do a little bit of teaching there, but then you get to ask any question that you want. And that’s, what’s really, really valuable. And a lot of time, those questions are around building our teams and figuring out issues and how to make ourselves more productive and all that kind of stuff.
Larry Broughton
It’s not exclusive to that though. If people wanna just bring in questions about entrepreneurship because you and I do bring that as well. You know, season entrepreneurs, season coaches, and mentors as well. And so people just being general entrepreneurship questions. Here’s one of the things Dave, that I think folks realize, once they have free time because the idea of the HireMyVA Program is to bring more freedom to your life. Once you’re a business owner, or entrepreneur, and you find more freedom in your life, all of a sudden, your business starts growing, which brings a whole another set of challenges in opportunities. And our job is to help you thrive in business. So if we can help you grow your business. It’s a little bit selfish too because as you grow your business, guess what? You’ll need more VAs, you’ll need more coaching and counseling. And you and I are committed to helping create more leaders and entrepreneurs in the world. And so, it’s kinda like the cycle, so we just we wanna help. So the Q & A’s, sometimes there’ll be a dozen people on there, and other times there’ll be three people on there. Anyway, that’s a great benefit of the program.
Dave Braun
Yeah, absolutely. That’s one of the most important, most important benefits because we give you real-time help, right in the moment. And sometimes, that really is more valuable than certain aspects of the course.
Larry Broughton
One more thing.
Larry Broughton
Is that what we’ve learned over the years is that people that get on these Q & A’s, Dave, learn as much or more from other people’s questions, challenges, opportunities, or ideas than even their own. Well, why is that? Well, because what we’ve realized is that there aren’t a lot of really unique challenges in business. If you have not had the challenge that one of your community members is talking about, be advised, that you will probably have that challenge to be faced with that challenge at some point in the future. If you’ve already had that challenge and it’s nice to share what you’ve learned along the way with someone who’s been there. And it really does, you know, relationships are built during these calls. It’s nice when people swap contact information and they build their own little mastermind. So if you are listening to this, and you’re already part of the HireMyVA Program. That’s just a reminder, get on the Q & A calls, they’re a lot of help.
Dave Braun
Yeah. It’s very easy. It’s usually about an hour-long, maybe a little bit longer, depending upon the number of questions. Once a month, we do a little teaching and they’re really, really good. And one of the things too to remember is, Larry and I are doing this, and we learn as well because a lot of it is a great reminder for us. Plus there are times when somebody—And this is why it’s important for you to get on. Somebody in the community may have a little bit of twist or a take on the way we’ve talked about stuff. And it could be the one way they say it that has that light bulb go off in your head.
Larry Broughton
Dave Braun
A lot of the things that like you said, Larry. What’s the value of one good idea?
Larry Broughton
It’s the lifetime value of one good idea.
Dave Braun
Yeah. And it could be just huge for you to be on. All right. Well, with that said, one of the big things that you get in the course and community, and now you get access to the course when you sign up for the White Glove Service as well. But one of the things, Larry is that we found is people who are signing up, oh man. And everybody, once you sign up to learn how to get a VA, chances are, you’re like, my business is so growing so much, I’m so busy, I don’t have time to go through a course. So we’ve built this, especially for people like that. Now, there’s the White Glove Service, where you could take advantage of—But there are certain aspects of our course, we’ve built for people who are really, really busy and we think that’s something pretty unique. So what do you think, shall we kind of walk people through a little bit about what’s—
Larry Broughton
Yeah. It might be helpful for those that are watching on one of the video platforms, maybe share your screen and walk ’em through it. Will that be helpful? And for those who are listening on one of the podcast platforms, we’ll just have to be careful and describe what we’re showing on the screen. Does that make sense?
Dave Braun
Yep. All right. So I’m sharing my screen now. And what happens is when you come in and you log in, you’ll see the different products that you may have access to because this is my account and I’ve got access to a bunch of the products that we have. We have other things in, we use Kajabi, which is a great platform. But let me click on the HireMyVA 2.0, Prepare, Hire, and Thrive online course. So we’ve got other things in here as well if you are watching. So one of the things that are really important here is that when you come to this screen and you look at the different sections, there are three sections that, well actually I would say four sections that you really want to take advantage of. So we talk about Prepare, Hire, and Thrive with your VA, right? So this module here, it’s called Prepare Yourself and Your Business. We’ve got the next section, it’s called Hire Your VA. And the third section is Thrive! You and your VA. So the course is built around, Prepare, Hire, and Thrive, that’s our three-step process. That’s our plan. And we went into details on a bunch of the stuff that’s in there, in some past episodes, 83, 84, and 85.
Larry Broughton
Episodes, 83, 84, and 85?
Dave Braun
Yeah. Episodes, podcast episodes. But one of the other important areas, this section is where we have all the worksheets, action guides, templates, and tools. And we’ll take a look at that in a sec.
Larry Broughton
So for those who are listening, we’re basically on a dashboard for the course that we’re looking at right now.
Dave Braun
So, let’s go into just to Prepare, for example. What do you wanna do before you actually start putting your requirements out there? And this is one of the mistakes that people make. They say, I just need to get somebody and they don’t prepare themselves properly.
Larry Broughton
Dave Braun
So, when you go in to Prepare Yourself and Your Business, we’ve got several different, I guess we’d call them units. But the very first one and each section have this, it’s called a quick start rapid action…
Larry Broughton
Dave Braun
Yeah. Unit training?
Larry Broughton
Dave Braun
So each one of these. So if you think about the Prepare, the Hire, and Thrive, each one of these has about a 20-minute video slide deck, as well as a checklist. So, you can watch the video and one of the cool things about Kajabi is here’s what I recommend when you do this, and by the way, you can get this on your mobile app as well. So you can even listen to this on your mobile app. You can get this on your mobile phone because they have a mobile app, Kajabi does, and we are in that. And so you can listen to it while you’re doing other things that could help as well, to get through it. And we actually had one client who went through all of it that way, and it was really, really valuable to her. But you can play this on a faster speed, which is what I recommend, going to something like 1.25X usually is a good speed to play it at maybe 1.5X.
Dave Braun
And then, you can also grab the slide deck and PDF form and then grab the rapid action checklist. So these are the items that you need to do to prepare yourself before you actually go through the process of hiring someone. But each section of the course, the Prepare Higher and Thrive has got this 20-minute ish quick start guide. So that way, all you need to do is spend at most an hour if you’re playing the video faster speed, you’re just allocating an hour to get 80% of the benefit of the course with only 20% of the time.
Larry Broughton
Yeah. So it’s a great overview for sure. So, you’ll have an 80% understanding probably of the course.
Dave Braun
Yeah. 80% of the understanding. Now, what we recommend doing is when you’re going through that quick start 20-minute video, we recommend you to highlight or as you’re watching it, kind of like highlight something that you think, you know, I really don’t know anything about this part. Well, then you can go dive deeper into one of the other units that’ll give you more details. Otherwise, you may want to skip that.
Larry Broughton
Dave, can you go back to that Prepare section, please? Because the Prepare section has how many different units inside is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ish. And then how many more? Let’s say there are about a dozen modules in each of the sessions. And those can be, some are short, some are longer, So this is how many hours of training do you think are actually in the program?
Dave Braun
Oh my gosh, Larry, I knew that at one time. I’ll be honest, I don’t know because we keep adding a bunch of bonuses. Do you talk about an evolving program? I’ve kind of given out—
Larry Broughton
There are over a hundred hours of video training in this thing and countless tools now. But if you just go through the quick action guide, you’ll get a pretty quick understanding of like you just got through saying, Dave, I don’t know anything about that. Maybe I need to dive a little bit deeper on creating my vision for my organization or identifying the core values and knowing why it’s important to have my core values identified before I try to hire someone.
Dave Braun
Exactly. Okay. So here’s the Hire section and it’s very similar. It’s got the QuickStart Rapid Action as well. All right. So then let’s go back. You can always click on the categories to get you the list of what they are, the sections. So then there’s Thrive. And then, you can see different bonuses that we have. Here’s where we’re adding in new things. So we’ll look at bonuses. We got an affiliate program. We’ve got several different tools here. We’ve got a couple of interviews. We’ve got project management, overviews, and four domains of team strength—
Larry Broughton
Which reminds me, there are a couple of interviews we’ve done that we don’t even have in here yet.
Dave Braun
Larry Broughton
Sorry to rub salt in the wound.
Dave Braun
Larry, get off the podcast.
Larry Broughton
By the way, Dave, you need just one more tab open on your computer and you will be all set.
Dave Braun
Oh, man…
Larry Broughton
Get all those tabs you got open.
Dave Braun
I feel like I’m underperforming, dude.
Larry Broughton
If only you would do some work.
Dave Braun
So, the bonuses are awesome and fun. You could go through those as you get time. Like I had mentioned, grabbing the Kajabi mobile app is a perfect way to go through some of those, and listening to it while you’re doing something else.
Larry Broughton
Dave, one of the things I love about the program is having that Kajabi app and then going to this next section on here, the worksheets tools template, I’m sorry, worksheets. What do you call it? Worksheets action guide templates and tools. Because oftentimes I can think of like, I’ll be at a meeting or dealing with a team member. I think I know that we’ve got this tool. Some might be really helpful for me to use and there’s just like a boatload.
Dave Braun
Yeah. So let’s look at it for example. And here’s the area, Larry, let’s just dive into the Thrive area because I think one of the things that you and I were talking about ahead of time is this is where our course community and our White Glove Services really shine because, I mean, anybody can hire, bring somebody on, but then thriving, getting them to be productive and helping you, yourself to be productive. Most people don’t do that.
Larry Broughton
So well, let’s be specific. And generally, I’m not someone who will badmouth the competition and I’m just making a statement. There are plenty of courses out there on how to hire a VA, there are. But there aren’t any that I know who are then gonna go into detail with you and how— Once they’re on board now, how do I make them thrive? How do I make them so that I find more freedom in my life? How do you limit turnover in the organization? Right?
Dave Braun
Larry Broughton
This is one of our unique selling propositions here.
Dave Braun
Yeah. And so like some of the worksheets and stuff in the Thrive area is, I mean, we care about you and your business. And one of the things that are gonna happen in your business is as much as you want to have a VA, that’s gonna be with you forever. Hopefully, they will. That’s not gonna happen. People are gonna leave. That’s just the way it is. So we help you with those kind of things. So, for example, there’s an exit interview process. If you really wanna make sure your organization is the best it can be. When a team member is leaving, you wanna exit interview them. We’ve got, like if you’re gonna actually let somebody go, we have a freeing someone preparation checklist and we’ve got training on those things as well.
Larry Broughton
So what do we call it? Is it like termination? We’re setting them free. It might just be that they’re not, they might be great people. They might have great skills but it’s just not fitting your organization. Dave, do you wanna just open up one of those, so they can see what it is.
Dave Braun
Yeah. So typically what happens if you say Freeing Someone Preparation Checklists. So, you click on it and it will download, it will open up and it gives you a whole really nice guide, step-by-step things that you need to consider. So in other words, there’s a discussion, there’s preparing to set someone free. So in other words, when you’re gonna terminate somebody, you gotta do a lot of preparation. For example, getting all of their unique knowledge on—Let me zoom in here on this, a little bit, getting all of their unique knowledge on your products. You gotta change your passwords of access, some of this you know, but it’s great to have a checklist and an item by item things that you go through because it is gonna be an emotional time for you. And you don’t wanna just leave this off, Oh, what do I need to do off the top of my head. And then of course…
Dave Braun
We talk about having the meeting. What do you do when you actually have the meeting, show respect, keep your emotions in check, be honest, and say why, but don’t criticize the person in any way. Listen, but don’t argue. So, keep it short. There are a lot of little tips here on how to do this. And then the part is immediately after the meeting, what do you need to do afterward? For example, you may be so distraught about having to let somebody go or like, I’m just not gonna hire anybody again. I don’t wanna get any help. I’ll just do it all myself. That is a huge trap that you could fall into. You do not want to do that. And so we remind you of all of that.
Larry Broughton
Dave Braun
So that’s one of the examples, and some of the policies they’ll have a— Some of the things that we have is we have Google docs and we’ll have a digital link in here that you can actually copy them and make them your own as well. And this is just an example of all the different stuff. And this is just the Thrive section. Probably, the one Larry, I think that has the meat of it is in the— If we go look at the higher area, how many different things we have in here?
Larry Broughton
We got all of those.
Dave Braun
I mean, there’s just a bunch of stuff that’s really important. Now it may seem overwhelming as you’re thinking about this and looking at it. But remember, you’re not trying to absorb all this in 30 seconds. This is as you go through the process.
Larry Broughton
Well, and also we’ve created this course, it can be for someone who’s never hired anyone before. And so we’ve got those tools in there, like sample interview questions to someone who, this is what they do on a regular basis. But these are some of the forms that are created to help you do this in a more expeditious, more effective manner. So whether you’re new to this or you’ve been hiring people for years, you’re gonna find value in this.
Dave Braun
Yeah. And one of the examples, and I want to tell you, Larry is one of the things you said was, this is an evolving course. And so one of the most recent things that we added over the last two or three months was an onboarding checklist because we realized that we were missing that. And so we did all of that.
Larry Broughton
Well, we made an assumption.
Dave Braun
Larry Broughton
We made an assumption that people know what that is.
Dave Braun
Larry Broughton
Or they’ve already got one.
Dave Braun
So we’ve got this great document and here’s where you can grab your own copy of it and edit it. So, again, we’ve got before the onboarding meeting, all the things that you need to do ahead of time. And we also talk in this one about physical as well, if they’re gonna be in your office physically because we wanted to make it a little bit more of a generic template. So this is all the stuff you wanna do beforehand. And it’s a lot, it really, it is. But if you wanna do things in the proper way, this is what you want to do. And then we’ve got a section here during the onboarding meeting. So don’t forget to record it for example. You talk about dress code with them if that’s important to you. And then, of course, there’s a little section after the onboarding meeting. What do you do? So let’s go back. So that’s kind of a brief walkthrough on this. Larry, did I cover pretty much everything here?
Larry Broughton
Yeah. The question was, where do I begin? How do I find out what’s in there? There’s so much stuff in there. Basically, go to the program, whether you use Kajabi mobile or the Yoogozi.kajabi.com version of this, and start with the quick start module per unit for each of the three major sections of this, The Prepare Yourself and Your Business, The Hire your VA section and the Thrive. So you’ll get 80% of the understanding of the program and under an hour.
Dave Braun
Larry Broughton
And then you can dive deeper into it. Hey, I really am, I know about the preparation part. I’ve got a background in HR and I’m good at that, but I need this section. Or, Hey, I’ve been a manager and hiring person for years, but I don’t know another section. So, I would recommend, and particularly if you’re built like me on the Kolbe A index, I may initiating a quick start. That’s what it’s called. I just need a little bit of information before I move out.
Dave Braun
Larry Broughton
Now, if you’re a high fact finder, start with a quick start anyway, and then go back and dive deeper into an area where you need help.
Dave Braun
Okay. Yep. Absolutely. That’s absolutely true. All right. Well, that’s kind of like covering the surface. I mean, it gets pretty deep because we wanted it to be as comprehensive as possible.
Larry Broughton
Dave Braun
But use it as much as you want.
Larry Broughton
Yeah. So we monitor the different podcasting sites where you might find this audio or video. If you’ve got a question about it, go ahead and leave a comment or a question there, or shoot us an email. You can do it, you know, an email, I don’t know where those are found, but through social media or show up at one of our monthly Q & A calls and ask questions there if you’re part of the community already, I’d be glad to help you out on this stuff. We’re available. Sounds like we’re hiding behind something, you know, we’re available.
Dave Braun
We are. All right, everybody. Well, thanks for joining us today. Remember building a team is the way to reclaim your freedom. And we’re here to help you with our course and community and our White Glove Service, where you find a rockstar VA for you. Three things we’d love for you to do right now. We’d really appreciate it. Number one, subscribe to the podcast on your phone and subscribe to the YouTube channel as well. Give us a comment. Give us a rating. Those are number two. But give us some comments, give us some ratings, ask the questions, like Larry said. And then number three is, go to Hiremyva.com for more information, you’ll learn more about our course and community, our White Glove Service, because remember we’ve built this thing for people who have almost zero experience, even if you’ve had bad experiences, we’ve built this thing for you to correct some of that stuff. So if you have zero experience or bad experience or plenty of experience, we’ve built it to where you’ll be able to use this, to prepare for hire and thrive with virtual assistants. That’s what we want you guys to do. Larry, we’re helping folks. We want you guys to come in and we’d love to have you join us. Be on our Q & A calls and ask us some amazing questions. So just go to Hiremyva.com for more information.
Larry Broughton
Hey, my friends, do yourself a favor. Do the world a favor. Go do something significant today. God bless you. God keep you. God hold of you. We’ll see you next time. All right, my friends go get them. We’ll see you next time. Bye.