HireMyVA Podcast

HireMyVA Podcast 24- What happens if I fail? I’ll have wasted so much time on this!

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Dave Braun


Hey folks. Welcome to the HireMyVA Team and Business Building Podcast, where we help you to reclaim your freedom through hiring and thriving with virtual assistants without breaking the back, the back, the bank, your bank, the bank, whatever your bank, your bank. Yeah. I was having fun there without breaking your bank. So I’m Dave Braun and I’m here with my partner and great friend, Larry Broughton

Larry Broughton


And my dog Bodie.

Dave Braun


Oh, is he there? Huh? I don’t see

Larry Broughton


Him. Well, he’s down here at my legs.

Dave Braun


Okay. Yeah. Okay. He’s a cool dog. Yeah. All right. Well, we got a great topic and it’s not about how great a dog you have.

Larry Broughton


Oh, Come on!

Dave Braun



Larry Broughton


What’s the topic

Dave Braun


Well the topic is how do I hire a virtual assistant to walk my dog? No, no, no. That’s not the topic.

Larry Broughton


What is it, Dave?

Dave Braun


All right. The topic is what happens if I fail? have I’ll wasted so much time on this. Yeah.

Larry Broughton


Hey, I have said as a bunch of times, Dave, it’s going to get the point where people are going to be sick of me saying it. I think it’s a good question. But what I’ve said is that you and I are committed to creating Rockstar entrepreneurs and, and leaders. And that’s what this masterclass is all about, right? That it happens to be wrapped into hiring VAs because we believe that hiring VA’s are gonna help you recapture freedom. So you can focus on what you’re really good at and what your strengths are. And this is one of those questions. That’s not necessarily about VA’s, but what if I fail? This is a mindset thing. I think Dave, I agree. I would reframe this because what that tells me is you’re afraid of success. So what, what if I succeed might be a better question. What if I succeed? How will my life be different? How will the legacy of my life impact my children or my family members or my community just reframe it sometimes. Winston Churchill has a great quote that I’m often reminded of that says that success is not final, failure is not fatal, it’s the courage to continue that counts, right?

Larry Broughton


Bobo. What’s going on, buddy. And so I think that we need to think about failure that way. Like what if I succeed? Because for the way I frame success and failure is I do it in a lot of ways because I’m not the brightest tool in the shed. Right. But I have to talk myself into it. And what I recognize is that the moment that I give up is the moment that I fail. Okay. So things may fall way short of my goals. I may get beaten, a potential client may, you know, pick somebody else. But I, I think that framing it a little bit differently and say that maybe it’s the learning that I really need to be, be more concerned about because sometimes those things that we oftentimes call failure is really just a necessary struggle that we ought to be calling, learning. Right.

Larry Broughton


And learning fuels preparation. Okay. Like, think about when you are, you’re learning a new skill. You’re like, and you’re gonna, you’re learning a new sport, for instance. As you learn and you practice, you’re preparing, right, then preparation fuels, courage. Think about if you were going to play a new sport and you’ve never practiced. And the first time you got to go on the field, that’s a scary situation. But if you have prepared, it fuels courage and courage changes everything. So I would change it a little bit. Just say, hey, this isn’t a failure, but this is learning and understand that learning fuels, preparation, preparation fuels courage, and courage changes everything. So failures is part of the process.

Dave Braun


Yeah. Yeah. I mean, absolutely. And you know, anytime we’re learning something new, there really is a process. And we’ll talk about that in another episode. But I remember years ago what really helped me figure out a little bit about the learning process and that there’s really two things that you must decide on when you’re gonna start learning a new skill or anything. You’ve gotta decide, okay. Before I say, I’m not going to pursue this any further or I’m not going to be any good at it. You’ve got to dedicate a minimum amount of time to that. So that would be one consideration. So it might be, and I’m not talking about like 30 minutes, you know, it’s going to be like a bunch of hours right before you decide, because when you’re first starting out learning, you’re going to be uncomfortable. It’s not going to feel natural at all.

Dave Braun


And you’re going to want to quit. It’s like, I mean, everybody who starts the first time playing the piano, it feels very uncomfortable. So you’ve got to say, I’m going to dedicate a minimum amount of time to it, this, or you’re going to go until you achieve a particular goal. Like if you’re going to learn a foreign language and you need to be clear on that goal, if you’re going to learn a foreign language, it could, you can’t just say, I’m going to learn a foreign language. It’s going to be well, I’m going to learn enough so that I can converse when I go on a vacation this summer, or I’m going to make sure I can be able to converse with, you know, in, in another language I can talk to my neighbor or I’m going to make sure I learn a language so that I can be a translator. I mean, that’s, those are very different goals, right? So I think that’s part of what we’ve got to decide to do upfront when we’re going to be learning. Now, there’s also one other thing, though. I think that’s so important in, you know, the learning process and when you’re talking about failing and reframing that towards success, and then of course learning from bit. little a that about talk to you want I and AAR the is failures our

Larry Broughton


Yeah. Let me talk about AAR’s, which is something that I learned to do in the military to call it an after action review. But before I do, I want to piggyback off of what you’re saying about how hard it is like to learn the piano or something new. We both have failed when it’s come to a hiring VA’s, yes. This whole program was birthed out of failure. And what we have said over and over again is that both you and I, we wished that there would have been programs like this. We wished that that mentoring as popular as now was as popular. It was when I first started launching my businesses, because a lot of the stuff that I learned, I learned through trial and error and tons of failures, right?

Larry Broughton


And so if our goal is to create more entrepreneurs and leaders and we don’t hold anything back, you know, we’re going to share as much as we can. I want people to be learning from our mistakes and our failures as much as from our victories and our successes, but we’ve got to remember this. And I tell this to my son all the time, who is when he’s learning martial arts or he’s playing lacrosse or whatever it is, everything is hard until it gets easy. It is when you learn something new, you just do it over and over and over again, whether it’s, hey, I’m interviewing or I’m analyzing some of those things from the preparation phase, the prepare phase module of this, it’s all going to be hard, but you do it on the third VA. It’s going to be easier than the first VA.

Larry Broughton


You do it for the sixth VA, it is going to be easier than a third VA, but everything is hard until it gets easy. Now regarding the AAR. AAR is an after action review. The idea of an after action review is in the military and special forces we would do. And it’s across all branches of the military. But after every training exercise, after every mission, we would come back to the team room and we would ask, by the way, without judgment, we’d ask ourselves basically three questions, without judgment. We’re not placing blame on anyone. What did we do? Right? What’d we do wrong? How, how can we improve the next time around? Basically, those are the three questions, right? So if you’re not blaming others and you’re not blaming yourself, but just the facts, man, just the facts. What do we do, right?

Larry Broughton


Why are we doing that so that we can repeat it? All right. And give yourself an attaboy or an attagirl, what do we do wrong with again, without placing blame? So they can analyze it a little bit. If we want to just tweak this by 5% here or there, can we see improvement? We’re not looking for huge changes because what do they say? You know, small hinges, move, big doors. That’s right, right. Sometimes there’s just stuff, a couple of percentage points, tweaks, you know, see a huge impact and how can we improve the next time? Kind of it’s a catch. All right. Maybe I just had a better attitude about it. Maybe if I would have analyzed this, this way, but maybe I would have responded better, if I would have just practiced that free throw an extra 15 times I would have gotten there. Right. So very simple. You could have anybody that’s who was involved in the process, somebody’s got to lead this thing. And by the way, we do have a, a video on conducting AAR’s in the program, but basically these three questions, what do we do? Right. What’d we do wrong and how can we improve the next time?

Dave Braun


Yeah. Yeah. And, and I, you know, we’ve had that in our process and our web development company. And one of the important things about that is making sure though that, like you said, you have the video that talks about it, but at the end, making sure that you feed that information back to your process. Right. So they don’t have that stuff wasted. And, and it goes away because the, when we talk about you’d spent so much time in wasting time, that’s the way that you can waste time is not, not learning from failures. your

Larry Broughton


You do the AAR, then you do nothing with it.

Dave Braun


Yeah, that’s right.

Larry Broughton


That’s because the truth is a year from now, two years from now, you’re not, you’re probably not gonna have the same team. Right. But if you make the lessons from this part of your institutional DNA, that’s when you start seeing an improvement. Right. So that’s such a great point, Dave. Yeah.

Dave Braun


Awesome. All right. Well folks, make sure you guys, in whatever thing you’re trying to learn, I mean, you’re not going to be wasting time. You’re actually going to be kind of, I guess, paying the price for

Larry Broughton


Right. You’re paying, paying your dues.

Dave Braun


Yeah. Yeah. Paying your dues because in everything, you gotta pay your dues. You don’t get a degree in college without going through a whole bunch of painful tests. Right. Right. So anything worthwhile is going to cost you something.

Larry Broughton


Yeah. Boy, I do. I’ve got a keynote based on that topic right there. Right? Yeah. You’re absolutely right. That’s a good point. Yeah.

Dave Braun


Oh, you want, yeah. You want to go into your keynote now? No, no, no. I’m sorry. Another podcast. Right. Other podcast. All right. Well thank you all for joining us today and hope you learned something about AAR’s and, and how to really take some of the failures that may happen in any area of your life and transition those to your successes. Right? So one of the ways though, to reclaim your freedom that we’re talking about here is you got to build a team, right? And we’re here to help you. So three things right now, we want you guys to do for us. Number one, subscribe to the podcast, if you haven’t already done so. We really, really appreciate you guys doing it. And number two, give us a rating, preferably five stars. And then number three, go to Hiremyva.com for more info on our course and community, cause it’s our community that will help you adjust those failures into successes. And, but remember here, even without experience, you’ll learn how to prepare for, hire and thrive with virtual assistants, with our course and community. Larry and I have helped a bunch of folks. We’re helping people now and it’s a blast. Yeah. So just go to Hiremyva.com for a bunch more information.

Larry Broughton


Yep. And I would just remind people that I’m going to say what I said earlier, because we’ve got to pound it into our heads. Sometimes what we call failure is really just that necessary struggle that we ought to be calling, learning. Okay. So do yourself a favor. Do the world a favor. Do your community a favor, go do something really super significant today. All right, folks, go get ’em. We’ll see you later. All right. Take care!

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